Monday, May 2, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Have to share this picture first...

We didn't go in. In fact, we didn't go in many stores that night. Ava wasn't in the mood for shopping. Darn...another time!

Yesterday John, Jeremy, Jen, Ashley, and Jen's sister, Heather rented a fishing charter for the day. I volunteered to stay back with the girls. For those of you who don't know me...I'm not a fan of boats, fish, or worms. Big surprise, huh?? Here are some of the pics from their trip...

While they were out fishing, I took the girls to Fort Myers to meet my mom, aunt, and my sister for lunch. This is halfway between Clearwater and Boca Raton where they are staying. It was a long trip for lunch, but so worth it. The girls did excellent in the car. But we had a little problem with love bugs on the way there and back. I don't think they were very "loving"...My car was covered and I could barely see out of the windshield!!

We went back to pick up the fisherman and Ava and Evelyn had a water gun fight!

But while they were running around and having fun, we got our first case of skinned knees...

She hates band-aids! Would let us put them on...She's fine...just keeps pointing and going boo boo and asking me to kiss them. Haha!!

She has started a couple of things that absolutely crack us up:

- Everytime she does something and we say "good girl" she runs over to us and gives us a high five. No matter what she is doing. She will drop it and run over for a high five!

- Instead of asking to be picked up or saying "baba" like she was, she now says "I ant to hode you". I love this!! When she comes up with her arms stretched and says I want to hold you, it just makes everything else better...

Ava woke up at 7 this morning asking to go outside. She loves it down here! It's going to be a great summer!!



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