For years I have dreamt of my first Mother's Day. Let me tell you I was not expecting it to be the day that it was!! I pictured sleeping in, a lavish breakfast, and tons of time with my little munchkin. Instead, it was spent driving home from Florida. I didn't plan that trip very well, did I? ;)
But trust me, this day did not go unrecognized for anyone in my family! My amazing hubby got me that kindle I have been dying for, Ava got me a T-shirt personalized with pictures of her, I got jammies from my mom, a book from my sister, and various lotions and sanitizers from my aunt. This doesn't touch the many well wishes and cards I received!! I love all of my friends and family!! Thank you for making the day so special for me!!
Even through all of that, I still had that feeling. I couldn't stop thinking of Ava's birth mother. I felt almost selfish. But yet, so grateful. Without her, I wouldn't have Ava in my life. And for that, I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!!

I went back to work on Monday and then had a half day on Tuesday and was off on Wednesday. Why, you ask? Well....
I love Bon Jovi. I love Jon Bon Jovi. I have since I was 12. And of all the concerts I ever went to, it was never Bon Jovi. It never worked out until now. I won't tell you how much we paid for tickets, but I will tell you it was worth EVERY PENNY!! I would have paid more. It was THE BEST!!
Our friends, Amy and Chad, went with John and I to Nationwide Arena in Columbus. We were literally 20 feet from the stage. Between that and the zoom on my camera...well, take a look!

We stayed the night on Tuesday night and got up Wednesday and came home. It was beautiful out, so John and I went to pick up Ava from school and went to the park for a picnic. We just stopped and got Subway since it was an impromptu decision. It was a nice change for dinner.

I loved this outfit so I had to share!!!
We've had some great weather this week so we've been able to go outside to play. I can't wait until it's consistent and we can go swimming in the evenings after the pool is open!!!

Ava was content with playing outside until the neighbor came home. As soon as Hannah pulled up on her bike, Ava made a beeline for her! She loves her!!!

Yesterday, I stayed home all day and cleaned the house and got caught up on laundry. We were sooo busy all week and never completely unpacked from either trip. My mom took Ava for a couple of hours so I could work and get everything done. Thanks, Mom!!
Ava put her own shoes and socks on to go with my mom. I think she did a great job, don't you?

Last night my friend, Sara had her commitment ceremony. I'll share the pictures in the next post! It was TONS OF FUN!!!
Talk to you soon!