Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!!!

We had an absolutely fabulous weekend! It was sad to see it come to an end! We celebrated with family and friends all weekend! Many parties, cookouts, and lots of laughs!!

The fun started on Thursday night for me. One of my dear friends, Erica, was in town visiting. There were 5 of us girls in high school that were the bestest friends. And even though we are older and with families, we have maintained that friendship. Erica lives in Arizona, is married, and has 2 kids. However, both of her kids were sick so she just came over to visit. Amy and Sara came over for the fun, too!!

Ava and Ella had fun while the adults visited.

On Saturday, we had a family party at our house. My cousin Brad and his wife, Patty were visiting from Colorado Springs. So we had the whole family over to see them! It ended up warming up so the kids took full advantage of the pool!

Uncle George and cousin Will came up on Saturday and stayed for the rest of the weekend! Daddy and Uncle George completed a project that I had wanted done for awhile. I'll save that for the next post. My neighbor, Kelly came over and we worked with Ava on her colors. Who cares that it was with plastic dishes???

After Ava went to bed and Uncle George crashed out, the rest of us stayed up to play Euchre. It was sooo much fun! I had such a great time!!

Sunday brought Morgan Feather's birthday party. I took Will with me so that he could swim with Ava. What a great sport!!

Sunday night, we went with our neighbors to El Camino. We came back home and played games! It was another great night!

Monday was finish up the project and swim in the pool ALL DAY!!! We all got sun and Ava is so DARK!! She looks like a little chocolate bear!!

Ava loves the pool! I'm convinced she will be swimming before she is potty trained!! Hope you had a great weekend!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Pool Is Open!!!

The pool is officially open! It's still a little cool for me, even though I got in for about a minute. Followed immediately by a super HOT shower!! Ava loves it and threw an absolute fit when it was time to get out!!

We are battling storms again...sigh...I hate this weather!

Hope you are staying dry!!



Monday, May 23, 2011

Do You Want To Go Outside??

That seems to be the theme in our house lately. We've taken full advantage of this nice weather and basically spent the entire weekend outside! Daddy even got our pool up and running. Still a little chilly for swimming, but give it a few days!! Here are some pictures of the last few days....

Even Ava took a couple of pictures!!

Praying for minimal storms tonight. I'm trying to convince John to sleep in the basement, but he thinks I'm a fool!!!

Have a great week!



Monday, May 16, 2011

Ava's 1st Trip to the Dentist!!

Monday was Ava's first dental appointments. It was an eye opening experience for both of us! I learned a few things myself...She did pretty well except for the actual cleaning. Which consisted of the dentist brushing her teeth while he checked them out. We were pleased with the outcome! We were super worried about the damage to her gums from her cleft. But the dentist said it doesn't look as bad as originally thought. She will definitely need work down, but nothing until she is around 5 or so. Whoop, Whoop!!!

They had super cool toys in the waiting room and guess who wasn't shy at all?!?!?!

The cleaning. If you look closely, you can see how upset she was! Poor girl!!

Because she was such a good patient, she got to pick out a toy on the way out.

One happy little camper leaving the office. She picked out sunglasses as her toy. You know because it's so sunny here lately! :)

On our way back to school...Haha!

Hope your week is going well and you're staying warm! I've been so cold lately!!


Congratulations, Sara and Gina!!

Saturday night, my dear friend Sara stood before her family and friends and pledged her love to Gina. I am so happy for them and proud to be their friend! I admire their strength and courage! Congratulations, Girls!! Love ya!!!

John was working, so I took my mom as my date!

It was a fantastic night hanging out with friends!

And I got to spend time with my Rachel...She moved to Nashville and I miss her tremendously!! Love you, girl!!

Sunday was Morgan Feather's birthday!! Her family party is Memorial Day weekend, but her kid party was Sunday at a bowling center. Aunt Emily, Ava and I headed down there after naptime.

We enjoyed cake!

And pizza!

And even enjoyed bowling!!!

Ava loved bowling!! I had no intention of her even bowling, but she had other plans. It was all I could do to get her to take turns!!

Afterwards Aunt Emily came back for dinner and ice cream and spent some quality bonding time with Ava!!!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's Day and Bon Jovi!

For years I have dreamt of my first Mother's Day. Let me tell you I was not expecting it to be the day that it was!! I pictured sleeping in, a lavish breakfast, and tons of time with my little munchkin. Instead, it was spent driving home from Florida. I didn't plan that trip very well, did I? ;)

But trust me, this day did not go unrecognized for anyone in my family! My amazing hubby got me that kindle I have been dying for, Ava got me a T-shirt personalized with pictures of her, I got jammies from my mom, a book from my sister, and various lotions and sanitizers from my aunt. This doesn't touch the many well wishes and cards I received!! I love all of my friends and family!! Thank you for making the day so special for me!!

Even through all of that, I still had that feeling. I couldn't stop thinking of Ava's birth mother. I felt almost selfish. But yet, so grateful. Without her, I wouldn't have Ava in my life. And for that, I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!!

I went back to work on Monday and then had a half day on Tuesday and was off on Wednesday. Why, you ask? Well....


I love Bon Jovi. I love Jon Bon Jovi. I have since I was 12. And of all the concerts I ever went to, it was never Bon Jovi. It never worked out until now. I won't tell you how much we paid for tickets, but I will tell you it was worth EVERY PENNY!! I would have paid more. It was THE BEST!!

Our friends, Amy and Chad, went with John and I to Nationwide Arena in Columbus. We were literally 20 feet from the stage. Between that and the zoom on my camera...well, take a look!

We stayed the night on Tuesday night and got up Wednesday and came home. It was beautiful out, so John and I went to pick up Ava from school and went to the park for a picnic. We just stopped and got Subway since it was an impromptu decision. It was a nice change for dinner.

I loved this outfit so I had to share!!!

We've had some great weather this week so we've been able to go outside to play. I can't wait until it's consistent and we can go swimming in the evenings after the pool is open!!!

Ava was content with playing outside until the neighbor came home. As soon as Hannah pulled up on her bike, Ava made a beeline for her! She loves her!!!

Yesterday, I stayed home all day and cleaned the house and got caught up on laundry. We were sooo busy all week and never completely unpacked from either trip. My mom took Ava for a couple of hours so I could work and get everything done. Thanks, Mom!!

Ava put her own shoes and socks on to go with my mom. I think she did a great job, don't you?

Last night my friend, Sara had her commitment ceremony. I'll share the pictures in the next post! It was TONS OF FUN!!!

Talk to you soon!


Varsity Basketball Cheer