What a "relaxing" weekend!! It was nice to slow down a little and focus on our family and Christmas! We did have a party Friday night that Ava and I attended. But I forgot my camera so I have no pictures. But I guarantee we had a fabulous time! Thanks for hosting, BJ!!
Saturday, Ava and I never got dressed. And it was FABULOUS! We were busy all day, but on no time table. So when we took a 2 1/2 hour nap with a dirty kitchen, it didn't matter. Ahhh....
I wanted to bake with Ava this year. I envisioned her on the little stool next to me and stirring and mixing. Um, that didn't happen. She lost interest after she opened about 5 Rolo's.

So, it was up to me to finish making the Houghtaling cookie list. I followed every recipe to a T and let's just say FAIL. Apparently 4 minutes on 350 was too long for the Rolo's...

My No Bake cookies that never set. Even after 6 hours in the refrigerator.

My Peanut Blossoms were the best, but the chocolate chip cookies didn't make it out well, either. My batter was too creamy and they came out in a big clump. So we now have a tupperware dish full of baked cookie mix. Still taste YUM though!!

And MY wrapping is complete!! I'll have a few more gifts this week as Nate's ordered gifts will start to arrive. I'm such a good sister. :)

Today, Ava slept until 8:15. This was after her coming up to me at 9:20 last night stating she was ready for bed. I had to have her repeat it like 4 times. She went right to sleep last night and climbed in bed with me around 3:45. And then slept in. I woke up a few times to make sure she was breathing!! Haha!!
We had tickets to Disney on Ice today. So, we loaded up with Nana and Aunt Emily and headed to The Huntington Center. What a great show! I loved it!! Ava was hot and cold. She loved Tinkerbell, but hated the monkey from The Lion King. As a matter of fact, over dinner tonight, she told me "I no like monkey, but I like Tinbell". Haha!! Here are some of out pictures!

We came home and just relaxed for a couple of hours AKA Mama took a nap. Ava didn't really lay down because she was asleep before we were even out of the parking garage.
After it was dark, Ava and I took a ride around the neighborhood to admire the Christmas lights. This house on Wynn Rd. is AMAZING! It's set to music. We watched for about 20 minutes.

And then I turned around to check on Ava and....

Apparently, it was boring for her. :) I guess she's still too little yet. I signed up to take snack in for her class on Thursday. I wanted to do something cute, but it's so limited with what you can take in because you have to watch for food allergies. So, I made a concoction of what I had in my cupboards...

And bagged them up!

What toddler doesn't love all of this???? I bought stickers to put on the outside of the baggies and gave Ava the leftover stickers. And then I realized how quiet it was...I was cracking up!!

But this was my favorite!! I love those toes anyhow, but after the stars on each toe! **SMILE**

Bless that little girl! We are having so much fun getting ready for Christmas. She asks about Santa about 568 times a day. She keeps going out to look at the pool because she is getting the North Pole and the pool confused. Apparently, Santa lives in our pool. Poor guy! It's freezing out there!!
Hope you had a great weekend!!