Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Addy's Sixth Grade Spring Fling!

Her first official Middle School Dance. 

She was on the fence about going because there was a little mean girl drama the week before. No worries, Mama Bear shut that down quick. 

But her sweet friend Harper invited her to go to her house before for photos and snacks. A quick dress from Amazon and she turned in quite the beauty! 

Photos and fun with friends!!

These girls climbed into my car for drop off! 

It was only an hour and half but she had a great time! 
I'm so glad she went!!


Ava's Tooth Bonding

I keep telling Ava she is in her Glow Up Era. 

She had the last official procedure done to make that smile even more dazzling! 
She had her cleft tooth bonded and it looks amazing!


Addy Plays Legacy Volleyball

Addy came home from school one day and said "I'm playing Club Volleyball". 
If you know Addy, she doesn't make decisions too easily. 
So, if she's this adamant, she really wants to play. 

She joined Legacy House League with her friend, Mylee. 
They are having fun but goodness, does their team need some work! Ha!


Ava's Freshman Basketball Banquet

Basketball Season officially wrapped up with the End of the Year Banquet. 
Ava had some pretty incredible things said about her and earned her 1st Year Varsity letter in Basketball. 

Way to go, Ava! Keep being amazing!

The team with coaching staff.

The JV/Varsity Girls 

The Freshman


Varsity Basketball Cheer