Wednesday, March 6, 2024


 Sushi in the car

Pickle bread made by our favorite, Mya

Rooted for the Lions

Hair day for me!

Groundhog Watch Party

I helped out my Uncle Tom for a bit and had my very own timecard

Two of our most favorites were on Winter Formal Court.

Warmer weather brought bike rides. 

Karaoke Night with the Booster Mafia.

Mr. Houghtaling and I celebrated our engagement anniversary.

I got new wall hangings and I'm OBSESSED.

Dinner out with Nana and Jojo!

Toga Night at the basketball game.

I also got a new washer and dryer and my complaints have stopped!

Addy presenting her birthday party presentation.

My cute little concession helper!

A free hour in time brought a little yummy beer time.

Sicky Sickerson's

The Houghtaling's got hit hard this year with the gross sickness. 
It started with a butt kicking, viral infection for Ava Kate. 
She was out of school for 3 days. 

We purchased many bottles of this....

Then it hit Addy...same exact symptoms. Except she had a fever.
It took her down for 4 days and she missed her achievement breakfast. 
She is still a really cute sick person. 

Then it hit me. HARD. Worse than the girls and I couldn't kick it. 
After 12 incredibly miserable days, I ended up at Urgent Care. I just couldn't do it anymore. 

I'm glad I did. 
Bacterial Sinus Infection and a double ear infection. 
Antibiotics and Flonase. 
Definitely feeling some relief. 


Team Blake

Emily's big Christmas gift this year was tickets to see Blake Shelton! 
As the day drew closer and having been to Detroit recently for a concert, I thought it was in everyone's best interest if I drove them to Detroit. 

They treated me to a nice dinner. 

Where this girl celebrated! She was so excited!

I dropped them off and headed North to do some shopping and enjoy coffee. 
I also took my book and killed 3 hours of time. 

They had a wonderful time and we easily were able to leave Detroit. 
I'm happy with this decision. 
Emily is still talking about the concert!!!


2024 Sectional Champs!

Genoa Girls Varsity Girls are Sectional Champs! 
We beat Oak Harbor in a very close game and it was so sweet!!! 

They had beat us twice in the regular season and clinched the NBC title. 
It was sweet redemption! 

The student section was insanely full of spirit! 

Such a fun victory! 

We headed back to Genoa so the girls could cut down the net. 
The student section came back and cheered them on! Such a fun night!

The Szytaling sisters.

All the Freshman! 
Keeping that swag going!

We took this photo for Coach Tony, their travel soccer coach. 
He comes to most of their games but wasn't able to make this one. 

Scott and Abbie. 
Their Middle School coaches. 
Laying that foundation.

We played the next round against a very good Defiance team. 
Unfortunately, it wasn't the outcome we wanted and our season came to an end. 
It's been very weird with such a light schedule. 

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported Ava Kate's last game of her Freshman career. 


The Kindness Award

Any day of any week, I will tell you that Addy is the most kindest kid I know. 
She is so sweet and has the most kind heart. 
It could be a very random day of nothing and she will say "Why are you so perfect?" No one will make you feel better about your self than Addy. 

Genoa Middle School decided to base their Students of The Month based on Kindness. Teachers picked the top 5 in the school. 

Imagine how excited we were when we realized Addy is just as kind at school as she is at home. 
My sweet girl and her Kindness Award as a February Student of the Month. 

Keep being you, Addy. We are so very proud of you!


2024 Freshman Winter Formal

 Freshman Year Winter Formal. 

Ava stayed true to herself but stepped outside the comfort zone. Just a little. 

It was FREEZING that day, so I got special permission from OC (my workplace) to take photos indoors with cool backdrops. 

We grabbed the posse and they all looked stunning!

Peep the shoes. Pink. 

After photos, we headed to Poco Piatti for dinner. 

I dropped the girls off at the dance and took Addy out for ice cream. 
Back to pick them up at 11 for a sleepover where they got a hold of my camera. 
They are my favorite. 

But these are the ones I really love. 
The next morning....

Along with the pile of goods on my table. 
Bobby Pins, bands, and a fake fingernail.

Ava and I put on a little spread and they off went home to sleep the day away. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer