Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 Watching Lyla in the school play

A view from Culinary class

Stuffing Halloween bags

Making money for cat-sitting

Picture Day!

Tie Dye Day

Whose taller??

Time spent with the sister friends

Sporting her new Basketball jacket!

The favorite child - John

Date Night

A much over-due Girls Night!

Only this kid. 


When Ava's friends turn her into a meme.
As she falls asleep in class....

Yummy breakfast!

Llama hat

Busy times cause for tired girls

Friend night at the church

Football Season!

Friend Night for Addy!

And Ava!

Wait, another date night?

My girl and I

Hallmark Bingo 2023

We had our annual Hallmark Bingo! 
This year we did a "Bring Your Own Charcuterie!" 

Christmas Desserts! 

Taco Bell

Walking Taco's

French Fries 

More Christmas Treats 

A quick photo of FUN before we snuggled in for the movie. 


Tony Hoffman

Tony Hoffman is professional speaker who travels the United States to share his story about addiction and how he overcame that horrific disease. 

Tony was a professional BMX rider who was on the cover of magazines and lost everything because of addiction. 

He's been friends with my brother for years and he came to Genoa to speak!! 
My mom and I were able to attend. It was amazing. 

These success stories give me so much hope for the future. 



Ava and I traveled to Columbus a few years ago for the Pentatonix concert. 

We absolutely loved it and rated it as one of our top favorite experiences!! So...we talked the rest of the family into goin this year. 

Addy was so excited! Like so excited!! 

A quick, and I mean super quick, dinner in the hotel lobby before we walked over to the venue. 

We had amazing seats! 
The concert was incredible. Everyone LOVED it. I will go back every year to see them. 

Since we were in Columbus, we couldn't head back without a breakfast with Uncle Carl. 
Always a good time!


Varsity Basketball Cheer