Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

 Thanksgiving was super low key this year. And it was wonderful! 

We went over to The Feathers for a yummy meal and even better company! 

The girls love hanging out with their cousins and I absolutely love their relationship! Lifelong friends. 

Gabriella Sue

Our sweet Gabby has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 
We knew it was coming but that doesn't make it any easier. 

She was 12 years old and came to us as just a wee little pup. She only knew love from her family. 
She was in congestive heart failure and started to have seziures. 

We just couldn't watch it anymore. 
Run free, Gabriella Sue. 

*Side Note: My mom named her dogs but I "enhanced" their names. 

Fae Elizabeth 
Millicent "Millie" Anne 
Gabriella Sue 

It's so fun to call them but their full names!


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Basketball Overnight!

Here we GO! 
Basketball is officially in full swing. So, if there is a long period between posts, it's because we are at the gym. 

To kick off the season, the girls traveled to Akron for an overnight visit and scrimmage against Manchester High School. 

This is such a great bonding time for them and Ava had a blast! 
It's such a great group of girls! 

They girls came home and joined the Middle School teams for  a Free Throw A Thon fundraiser. 
Ava made 61 free throws and raised $231!
Thanks to our friends and family who sponsored her! 

Let's go Lady Comets! 


Monday, November 27, 2023

Soccer All Star Game!

We traveled to Liberty Benton High School to watch Tristan play in the Senior All Star game. 
She did wonderful and her team won! 
I'm going to miss her next year. She's been amazing to all of soccer girls! 



Addy and I had a day date! 
She had asked if we could get tickets to see Cinderella hosted by the Oregon Community Theatre. 
Her choir teacher was The Fairy Godmother. 
It was wonderful! 
The music was great! 
Such a fun afternoon!


Paw Patrol - MIGHTY!

Just when I thought we had outgrew this phase, I found myself sitting in yet another Paw Patrol movie. Ha!!
Addy and I took Alice (Jojo's granddaughter) to see the new movie. 
You know what? It was absolutely wonderful. 
Addy and I both got a little teary eyed because it told the story of one of the pups when they were just a small thing. 
We had a great time and Alice loved it!


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Happy Halloween 2023

 Halloween 2023 was a little different this year. Every year since I was a wee little baby, we have gathered at my Grandma's. Well, we had to change those plans a little because 99% of the family had the dreaded sickness. We still were able to have a great time! 

Addycakes had her first Middle School dance which was Halloween themed. 
She chose this adorable butterfly costume and went with a bunch of friends. 
One of the mom took them to McDonalds beforehand and took them to the dance. 
She had a wonderful time!

The next day was a Halloween party at church. 
Seeing the forecast for Halloween, we did a 2nd costume which would be a little cozier. She opted to wear it to the church party! Her friend, Charlee, joined her. 

To keep going with her best life, she was invited to a party with Maisie. 
My sloth and Maisie was a deer. 

Halloween was FREEZING and we even had snow!!! 
Ava also opted for a onesie costume to stay warm! 
She was Eeyore and her friend, Sydney was Piglet. 

Addy opted to stay in our neighborhood and Trick or Treat. Mylee and Charlee joined her and John's warm truck. Ha! 

I did go to Nate's house with Ava, who needed to go to Genoa so her costume matched. Haha! 
I snuggled on the porch at a safe distance. 


Cross Country Regionals!

Schedules finally aligned and Ava and I were able to see two of her BFF's run Cross Country. It was the first meet for both of us. was alot of walking. Haha!! 
Both Stella and Tatum did amazing and it was so fun to watch! 


Uncle Nate Presents at the School!

Genoa Schools asked my brother to come in and share his story with the Middle School and High School. I was so excited for the girls to hear his story. They "know" but didn't know some of  the details. I was so thrilled that I was able to attend. Each time he speaks, I'm captivated. I always learn something new. I lived that horrific time but it seems like a distant memory until he speaks. It all comes rushing back and is so emotional. The girls LOVED it and the students were so respectful and asked amazing questions. 
I am so proud of him! 


Friday Night Lights

 At the beginning of the school year, I told Ava that these next four years were going to be amazingly epic. I told her some of my best memories were from high school. 
I shared that I wanted her to build memories and enjoy every minute of high school. 
Make it amazing. 
Make memories. 
I'm here for it and please, just respect me and I'll respect you. 
Guess what she did with that advice?

She took it and ran with it!
I present you with Ava's Friday Night Light pictures. 
This girl embraced the themes and lived her best life!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Varsity Soccer 2023

The reason the blog took a hiatus. 
We just finished the most amazing soccer season. 
Our fierce girl started Varsity Soccer as an Attacking Mid Fielder. 
She started every game, was the 3rd leading scorer, and earned her Varsity letter. 
She also earned Honorable Mention - All NBC. 
My emotions are all over. 
I'm grateful for the upper classman and how they took to the Freshman class. 
I'm grateful for the experience. 
I love how much she loved it. 
We are sad that it ended and I cannot even imagine the next three years. 
They finished their season 12-6-1 and earned the title of District Champs. 
They unfortunately lost in the 2nd round of tournaments but their growth this year was incredible. 
Enjoy these photos. 
I have to give a shout out to our neighbor, Kelly and Perry Marlow for capturing most of them. 

The team bonding with these girls are off the charts. 
We would have girls showing up at 9pm some nights to take Ava to McDonalds. 
They would come and hang at our house on random Saturday nights. 
I learned quickly to always have food on hand. 
And we all loved every minutes.

We had the most supportive fans through the season! 
Thank you to everyone who came and supported our girl!

Cousins from Michigan and Medina!

The night we played Eastwood, which has multiple Arsenal players from Ava's team, a few other Arsenal team mates came out. 
Seeing these girls together made my heart warm and fuzzy! 
What lasting friendships they made!


Genoa Rec teammates reunited!

We managed to get through the season with very little injuries. 
We are nursing shin splints which are already getting better. 
And one bite mark! 
Yep! She collided with another players teeth. 

Alumni Game

Youth Camp

Yucky weather 

Team Photo Day! 

What a season! 

Varsity Basketball Cheer