Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Addy's Science Project

Addy was assigned her first official Science Fair Project. 
There was quite a bit of information and it was a little overwhelming for me so imagine for her! 

I asked Ava and she said "I didn't have to do it because we were quarantined" Haha!! 

The title was "Which Candy Bar Melts the Fastest?" 
We did 5 different candy bars. 

Then enjoyed the fruits of our labor. 

Spent some time on our poster board with a little assistance from Ava.

Then snagged a FIRST PLACE WIN!!! 
We were so excited!! 

Fun fact: The Milky Way melts the fastest!


Happy Birthday, Emily!!

The most important day of the year arrived!!
Aunt Emily's birthday!!! 
She turned 45 with a little help from her family and alot of help from margaritas. 
She was so happy and excited and maybe had a little too much to drink! 
Happy Birthday, Aunt Emily!


Apple Festival!

I had to work a soccer tournament the same day as The Apple Festival. 
I was actually ok to miss it. Any other Mom's hate festivals? Ha!! 
John took them for the food and then they came back home, with Amish baked goods! 
It was a perfect set up for me!


Happy Birthday, Dad!

We celebrated Jimbo's birthday with all of his favorites!
KFC and chocolate cake, of and pumpkin pie! 

Happy Birthday, Dad!


Addy Cheers at Friday Night Lights!

 It's her last official Friday Night Lights until High School. 

It's so crazy as she is getting so much older! 

It was emotional watching her doing what she loves. She started this Cheer Program when she was FOUR years old. 

I love everything that it has taught her. 

I cannot wait to watch her grow!

Addy Got Glasses!!

About a month ago, Addy told me she couldn't read the sign at a restaurant. A few days later, she couldn't read another sign when we were out. So...off to the eye doctor we went!

It was official. She needed glasses. This kid was off the charts so excited!!
They took about two weeks to come in. And she asked every single day if they were in. 
Then they were. It happened on a day of cheer practice but the amazing office knew how excited she was, so they stayed opened late for us! 

A pretty happy customer!

And a pretty cute one too!

Monday, October 30, 2023

Detroit vs. Everybody!

One of our Marketing vendors in Detroit invited a team from Owens Corning for some fun events! 
We kicked it off at the Detroit Athletic Club for a rooftop party. 
It was open bar and grazing stations. We had amazing views of Ford Field, Comerica Park, and Little Caesar's Arena. 
It was so fun! 
We had a wonderful time!


Next up was a vendor fair at Ford Field. 
We were able to shop different vendors for items for the OC Store. We also were able to go down on the field and tour behind the scenes at the field, including the locker rooms! What, what!!!
It was so cool! 

It was a fun couple of days but I was so tired!! Haha!

Quick Trip to Colorado!

A quick 48 hours to love on Colorado Family. 
My Aunt Carol isn't well enough to travel any longer so my goal is to try and go our every 6-8 months to give her a hug. 

No agenda, no plan. Just take in the gorgeous scenery and indulge in family time. 
Mountains, yummy food and ice cream cones. 
It was perfect weather and an absolute perfect trip. 
I can't wait to go back!


Ava's Freshman Homecoming

Freshman Homecoming!! 
My girl was so excited! 

We have an amazing tribe who supports our family! 
I was actually out of town but I didn't have to worry one bit. My mom friends had me covered. 

It started with Abbie picking them up with an awesome sign! 
She also had mints and waters for them in their cupholders. So adorable! 

The girls went to Levis Commons for photos and I was spammed with hundreds. 
I'm so incredibly grateful for all of the moms who send me the amazing photos!

After the photo shoot, they were off to dinner before heading to the dance. 
I checked in on Life 360 to see if she made it to the school and it shows she was running! Haha!
Apparently she had a great night dancing!


Varsity Basketball Cheer