Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Addy Starts Volleyball!

Addycakes has started 6th Grade Volleyball! 
This girl was so excited!! 
She has been practicing all summer. 

This girl sat on the sidelines with me. It was weird. Ha!

Addy did so well and scored 6 points. They have quite a bit of practice to do but not too bad for the first game!

Thanks to Nana, Jojo and Emily for cheering on our girl!


Ava - Varsity Soccer 2023


Monday, September 11, 2023

Sleepover at Mimi's and DG's!

While I was busy at the Gala, these lovely ladies enjoyed one last sleepover at Mimi and DG's house. 
They sold their house and are moving in with Roz!!! 

The girls had a great time!! 


Lemonade Stand

It was the weekend of the annual garage sales in Genoa. 
So, Addycakes decided to have a lemonade stand. 
Of course, her mom was obsessed and helped with her set up. 

She did wonderful and some of the cutest customers!!



Well, it looks like I missed a few posts!! 

The Athletic Boosters had their annual Goal Post Gala. 
It was another smashing success! 

The cutest golf team ever won 2nd Place! 
I love that he's a part of this!

We moved to the night event. No photos except for the shot we took to kick off the night. 
We had a great night, raised a ton of money for our athletes, and ended the night completely exhausted!


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

1st Day of School 2023!

It's here! 
The official 1st Day of School!

I told them we needed an extra five minutes for photos and everyone was up and ready. I think nerves had a big part of it. 

Both girls are off to a new school!

Addycakes is off to Middle School! 
Sixth Grade! 
She was so ready!

First day of Kindergarten vs. First day of Sixth Grade 

Walking in like a boss...

Ava Kate is in HIGH SCHOOL!!!
9th Grade!
She was also ready but after a week is over it. Ha!

Kindergarten vs. Ninth Grade 

Walking into the High School because she refused to be dropped off at the Middle School.


Varsity Basketball Cheer