Monday, May 15, 2023

Day Date with Ava Kate

I took advantage of the day after Easter with no school and took a vacation day. 
Ava is my little movie buddy and we watched all of the Scream movies over Easter weekend. 
So, a little day date took us to the theatre to watch the latest Scream movie. 

We met with her friends from school prior as they were all dress shopping for the Spring Fling. Ava wasn't able to go because of soccer but she still wanted to hang with her friends. So we hung for a few, had lunch with them at the food court, then headed to the theatre. 

We loved the movie! It was so good!

Afterwards, we did a little shopping and Ava Kate used her hard earned money for a new paid of Air Force Ones. 

I loved my day with Ava. We don't get them too often so I will always take advantage of our time. 


Happy Anniversary Emily!

Aunt Emily has worked at Miller's for TWENTY years!! 
It's so amazing!! 
Her work family surprised her with a cake to celebrate!


Easter 2023

I love EASTER!!
I love the weather, the happiness, the joy, the candy, all of it!

The girls woke up early to dig into their baskets!
I think they were pretty happy!

After a quick, light breakfast, we headed to church and then back home to get ready for the family!
An afternoon of good food, good company, a few photos sealed the perfect day. 

The Feather's even coordinated a super fun game for the girls! 

Aunt Emily even had her own special cake to celebrate her 20th anniversary at Miller's! 

My most favorite girls in one photo. 
Happy Easter!


Casino Night!

The Athletic Boosters held our annual Casino Night! 
These girls are amazing! 
We had a blast planning, organizing, and enjoying the night! 
We raised more than last year! 


Happy Birthday, Addy Grace {TWELVE}

 Addycakes is 12! 

She was sooo excited for her birthday! Which then makes us all excited! 

All she asked for was an Apple Watch and Nutty Buddies. Haha! 

We kicked off the morning with chocolate chip pancakes, birthday cake milk and her beloved Apple Watch.

She actually had the day off school for a Teacher Work Day. That worked out nicely. 
She opted out of a party this year and wanted to go to a hotel with the posse. Since her birthday fell on Easter weekend, we did an Easter theme. 

I went to the hotel a little early and set up, decorated and hid eggs!

Then the girls arrived and the PARTY started. 
They laughed, played, painted, colored eggs, found eggs, ate a ton of candy and some Chic Fil A. 

Cupcakes and ice cream to celebrate our girl!

Is it even a party if you don't make Tik Tok's in the bathroom?

They had so much fun that they didn't want to say goodbye the next morning. 

We headed home to get ready for the next celebration with family. 
She wanted a cyan blue cake with macarons. 
It was as yummy as it looks!

She invited her friend, Charlee, over. They have been getting closer over the last few months. 

A new Comet coat!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!!
We love you so much!

Varsity Basketball Cheer