Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Cousins Soccer Game!

Ava's Indoor Team played Jordyn's Indoor Team. 
They haven't played against each other in about a year. 
Ava's team took home the W! 

Cousin Mara came to watch and had the best time with Addy! 
She is the sweetest little thing!

Plus we all had breakfast together afterwards. Piggy Pancakes for the sweet girl!


Cheer Banquet

That's a wrap on Cheer Season! 
My girl LOVES cheer and really loves these coaches! 
As do I. They are awesome!


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Basketball Banquet

 We wrapped up basketball season with the year end banquet. 
What a freaking amazing season! 
I think I smiled so big while shedding tears. 
Ava's coach said nothing but wonderful things about all of the girls and we got our championship shirts just in time. 
I can't believe this season is over! 
On to high school!

Friends Night Out!!

Our annual friends night out took place on the rainiest, windy, coldest night of the year. 
But...the food was yummy, the drinks were perfect, and the company was the best! 


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Walleye Hockey Fun!

Ava's Soccer team hosted an all club fun night at the Walleye Game. Because John is currently on start up, he wasn't able to attend. So, we let Addy take a friend. She was so excited!! She took her friend, Charlee from school. They were adorable together! 

This is the only time we saw Ava, on the big screen! 
She had a blast with her team!

So, I hung out with these cuties. They were fun but hungry.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Ava Kate, The Basketball Player


Comet Infinity!

Addycakes has wrapped up another year of cheer! 
She grew so so much this year! 
She absolutely loves cheer and tumbling and has committed to going further. 
She will now be taking private tumbling lessons with a goal of an aerial and back tuck by Fall season. 
I absolutely love her commitment. 
Weekly practices and 6 competitions and she always had the BIGGEST SMILE! 

We finished the season with her end of the year banquet. 
She loves her little trophy! 
She will have one more season in this program before she moves to Middle School cheer. 
Did I just type this words? Time, please slow down.


Varsity Basketball Cheer