Thursday, January 26, 2023

She DID IT!!! - Addy's First Basket!

My girl did it!! Perseverance paid off. She didn't give up and she did it! 


Halftime Helpout

 We've officially reached the point where Ava is the big kid who helps out with the littles!! 
Ava and her basketball team assisted the 2nd and 3rd grade performers for their halftime show. 
They are so amazing!! 
I will be doing a big post for Ava's basketball season. 
But...they are currently undefeated and are absolutely dominating the court. They are so incredibly fun to watch!

Weekend with Ashlyn and Athelia

Uncle Nate's girlfriend has 2 daughters, Athelia and Ashlyn. Throw in an Addy and you have a weekend of fun!! 

Uncle Nate invited Addy to join in the weekend of fun! 
Games, sleepovers, VR, Build A Bear and Dave and Busters. 
She only called me twice the whole time. I'm so glad she is stepping out of her comfort zone but man, I missed my girl. 

But....John and I did get a date night. 
No, this isn't John. 
This was our musical entertainment for the night, who happens to be REALLY GOOD friends with our beloved Mama H. 

See, John was there too!



Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Addy's First Basketball Game!

So, we decided to have Addy try basketball this season. 
She had her first official game! Unfortunately, Ava had soccer at the same time so I took on soccer while John took on basketball. 

God love this child! 
It took her a bit to find her footing but she did! 

 I love, love love this photo. 
She's like "What do I do?"

They won both games! 
So proud! 


Monday, January 2, 2023



2022 Monthly Highlights

I put together this collage as my Top Moments of 2022

January: Addy's First Cheer competition of the season 
February: Our long awaited cruise, where I held a sloth
March: We traveled to Vermont to see Brody 
April: Celebrated Addycakes's 11 birthday
May: We said goodbye to our home soccer team of NINE years 
June: We celebrated 8 years with Addy in our family 
July: Ava Kate turn 14
August: A week in Cancun
September: My colon resection 
October: Addy as a Rayz Server 
November: Thanksgiving with my loves 
December: Christmas with the cousins


Varsity Basketball Cheer