Tuesday, October 18, 2022

2022 Fall Arsenal


Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

October 9th is a big day for our family! 

John and I celebrated 18 years of marriage!
It's also Grandpa's birthday! 

Yes, we got married on my dad's birthday. We did ask permission before we had our wedding. Do you want to know how we chose our date?

I wanted a Fall Wedding. 
John loves Ohio State. 
We based our wedding on Ohio State's schedule. 
They had a bye week. Which fell on my dad's birthday. 
Isn't that pitiful?

Addy made my dad's birthday cake! 
I just helped putting and taking out of the oven. 
She did such a great job!!

Steaks, fries, and chocolate cake. All of my dad's favorites!


Weekend Fun for Ava!

Ava's social life keeps me on my toes. Ha!

But I love watching her do life and am so glad for her to make the best memories of her childhood! 

We surprised Cora and Molly and went to watch Cora play St. Ursula. 
Melissa and Lyla joined us! 
St. Ursula won and we saw Cora score her first goal of the season! 

She finished the day with the posse at a Haunted House. 
When I picked her up, she told me it was lame. Ha!


Basketball with Lionel

Basketball season is right around the corner. 
So, we are doing private lessons with Lionel Armstead. 
He was a pretty big Toledo basketball player back in the day and went on to play college basketball. 
He's offering sessions and these fine ladies had their first session. 

He's totally chill and so patient. 
I can't wait to see what they bring to the court this season! 


Friday Night Lights, Addycakes Style

Addycakes final Friday Night Lights Cheer until High School. 
Wait, did I just type that? 

Anyhow, yes, it's true. 
Addy spent Friday night on the sidelines cheering on our beloved Comets. 
Afterwards, she announced that she dos want to cheer in high school! 

My other favorite cheerleader, Ella. 

This below photo made it's way into my top 5 photos of Addy. She was so happy!!

and because some of our volunteers were sick, I recruited these two beauties to sell 50/50 tickets. They did a great job!


Thursday, October 13, 2022

Pumpkin Patch

Both of my girls were lucky enough to go to the Pumpkin Patch! 
And I didn't have to go!! 

Ava was invited by a soccer friend!

And Addy went with Nana and Jojo! 


Ava Kate the Captain

I will do a later post on Ava's Fall Soccer. 

But....this deserved it's own. 
She was chosen as one of the captains for her soccer team this season! 

She was gifted this band that she is able to wear at each game. 
So proud of her encouragement and leadership. 


One Year in Heaven

September 16th marked One Year in Heaven for my Grandma. 
We didn't want to be sad, so we had a big family dinner. 
Everyone was able to make it and we had a great time. 
We even did a puzzle in her honor. 


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Ava's Pit Bull

Ava's Art Project. 
She chose a Pit Bull and I loved the way it turned out!



So, I had surgery. 
Actually a pretty big surgery. 
I'll spare the details. 

The surgery went really well but the recovery is really long. 
I'm definitely much better. 

I had quite the cheering section the morning of my surgery. 
I'm so grateful for my family. 
The first night was the worst and my brother opted to stay by my side. 
He didn't want to leave me. 

I was told to be in the hospital for 5 days. I went home in 4. I'm a HUGE believer that you heal so much better at home. 

Flowers, cards, cupcakes, and so much food....I am so incredibly loved. 

I wasn't able to drive for weeks. 
Therefore, we had to document the first time!
First family outing! 

The day I came home. She didn't leave my side. 

I also have a super amazing hair dresser. Knowing how hard it was for me, she had me come in to wash and style my hair. 

I relied heavily on family and they were there every step of the way. 

Especially with the pampering. 


Varsity Basketball Cheer