Monday, September 26, 2022

Ava and Addy Go Camping!

 Ava and Addy spent Labor Day weekend with Nana and JoJo and Aunt Emily CAMPING! 
They love camping and I'm glad they get to go because I'm not a camper. Haha!! 

I did go out and visit the campground for burgers over the open fire and a yummy Smores dessert!

Legend's Open House


My mom and I took the day off work and went to the open house at Legends Recovery Center! 
This is Uncle Nate's new facility located in Green Springs! 
Everything went amazing and I am so proud of him! 
He is doing BIG things! 
It's a gorgeous facility!

Bowling Green Fall Tournament

It was a wonderful weekend for Soccer!

Ava's team played the weekend in Bowling Green! 
We played a total of games. Instead of going back and forth, 
we stayed the days in Bowling Green! 

Ava's team ended up finishing second!

Kona Ice

Cheering section

Naps and picnic lunches


Friday Night Shenanigans

Friday night football is here!! 
Ava enjoys the student section with all of her friends. 
Addy and I work in the Booster Barn and John drives the golf cart to take fans to and from their cars. 
We love Friday Nights!

After the game, I talked Ava into going out on the field and try kicking field goals. 
She nailed it!

Afterward the game, we went up to Rayz and enjoyed snacks!
When we left, Main St. was clear so we had fun in the street!


Friday, September 2, 2022


 Trying to get in as much boating as we can! 

These girls beat Mom and Dad in a big game of Sequence. 

New haircut and curls!

Mirror Messages:
I love Jesus and God, my mom, dad and sissy. Gah. 

Date night for these two!! 

Baby Malachi 

Night Farmers Market

Teachers at the beach!

Cutting onions

Varsity Basketball Cheer