Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Olivia Goes to College

 Somehow, Olivia grew up and is old enough to go to college. 

I'm not sure when or how this happened. But we had a small family dinner to send her off and wish her well! She is only about 2.5 hours away, so not too bad. 

I already received a photo of her enjoying her gift for graduation. More on that later. 

Back to School!

The girls started back to school on August 23rd. I took the day off before so we could spend the day together. 
They had scheduled well checks so we planned around that. 
We slept in for the last time, lunch at Poco Piatti, well checks where one of them had a shot, and Mr. Freeze! Back home to spend the last night enjoying the beautiful weather, soccer, and packing lunches and backpacks! 

Both of my girls are easy to get up. It's so refreshing! 
They both jumped up and the morning routine came back quickly. 
Addy is in 5th Grade and has Mrs. Leach. Her last year of elementary!!

Ava is in 8th grade! Her last year of Middle School. 
This is just crazy to me. 

We had a couple of special guests join us for morning photos! 

Both girls had a great first day! Addy more so than Ava, of course! 


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ava's Birthday Friends Party!

 One more party for my girl! 

I had reached out to a couple of other Mama's who also had summer birthdays. We decided to combine and have one big party! We split the cost and had the best time! Not too many photos because I also had THE BEST TIME with the other Mom's. We just talked and gabbed all night! Everyone had a blast!

Goal Post Gala - 2022

 The Athletic Boosters held our 2nd biggest fundraiser of the year on the first Friday of August. This year we shut down Main St., put up a big tent, had a DJ, and just a good ole night of Small Town FUN!! 

We raised more this year than last and we had great feedback! We will definitely keep this location in the future. 

Not pictured: Any of the Booster Girls. We ran our butts off that night. But it was so worth it in the end!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Cancun 2022

We spent a week in fabulous Cancun. 
Swimming - check 
Good Food - check 
Rest - check 
Ice Cream - check 
Catamaran - check 
Blue Skies - check
Blue Water - check 



Varsity Basketball Cheer