Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Uncle Nate Turns 40!!

Uncle Nate joined the land of the 40's! 
We decided a few months ago to have a little soiree, golf style! 
We invited his close friends and family and celebrated! 

I put on the invitation to dress in your best golf apparel. 
Some people followed, some people didn't. 

Aunt Tammy made the cake!

We bought this little golf game for the pool. 
It was a big hit!

Sweet little Mara. 

My golf club cover.

Happy Birthday!!!

The men in this photo are a force! 
Each one of them have overcome addiction to come out on top! 
Between all of them, they had almost 100 years of sobriety. 
They are so amazing!


Ava + Millie

 This girl. This dog. 

Two peas in a pod. They love each other. They run to each other when we visit. They stare out the windows at each other when we leave. 

Such a bond. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


 Garage Saleing with Katie in the golf cart!

This sweet girl made me a note and left it on my bed.

I spent some girl time with friends! 
Brunch and Basil and Top Gun: Maverick. 
The food was amazing but the movie was even more AMAZING!! 

I realized I'm a cool kid because I had matching shows with my kids friends!

Always love the get togethers with the Sister Friends. 

Board and Brush with my team from work!

Annual check...If you haven't done so, this is your reminder to get your girls checked out!

This girl loves her some dogs! (And they love her!)

Starbucks secret menu

Lunch with the work besties!

Buy your kid the clothes folder from Tik Tok. You can thank me later. 

More sister friend time. 

Kitties at Aunt Tammy's house!

Happy Fourth of July!

We had the most lazy, laid back Fourth of July. 
If we weren't in swimsuits, we were in pajamas. 
No one put on real clothes and no one left the house for four days. 
It was glorious! 
Family came in and out most of the weekend and John cooked up some amazing food! 
It was so nice to have such a relaxing weekend!


Jeep Life!


A few weeks ago my car started acting really odd. I made an appointment for service but the day before I was supposed to take it in, it completely started to fail. Luckily I was able to drive it to the Jeep for a few days. I missed my car but it was fun bumming around in the Jeep! 

After THREE grueling weeks, I got my car back! 
I was pretty excited and she's running great!!

Olivia's Graduation Party

 Our girl has graduated!! 

We were able to celebrate with the graduate at a fabulous party! 

One more month until she's off to college! 

Columbus Crew

Ava's soccer team was invited to a Columbus Crew game to take a photo on the field with a trophy the Crew won recently. This was on the back end of Virginia Beach so we drove to Columbus and stayed the night after the game. 

We just received the photo that was taken. Such a cool experience for the girls!

Happy Birthday, Nana!

 Happy Birthday, Nana!! 

We met for a yummy dinner at Cousino's and then everyone came back to our house for Costco cake! 

We finished it off with an evening swim! 

Boat Day!

 No plans + Sunny Day + Friends with a boat = A good day for Addy Grace!!

Birthday/Gotcha Day Celebration with the Family!

Because we were traveling for my birthday and Addy's Gotcha Day, we returned home and had a yummy dinner and cake to celebrate! My mom made homemade meatballs and spaghetti. It was so yummy!! 
Addy was so excited to celebrate Gotcha Day again!!


Ava's Summer Basketball League

Ava Kate and the rest of the 8th grade basketball team played in a competitive league this summer. 
They are so amazing to watch! 
They came in 1st place in the league even beating out a D1 School. 
They have also been playing in shootouts against JV and Varsity Teams and even making to the championship game! 
Their class is super athletic. 
Bring on Comet Basketball! 


Varsity Basketball Cheer