Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Addy's 2nd Bone Graft

She wasn't happy but she was a ROCKSTAR! 
Addy had her 2nd bone graft on April 15th. 
She snuggled right up to the bed, sweet talked the nurses, and snagged a precious Pua the Pig. 

The only tears were over the IV, which she's allowed. Because needles. 
Got to the hospital at 1, surgery was at 3, and she was 3 puddings deep by 7. 
She never took the hard core pain meds, slept through the night and had minimal swelling. 

She lined up all of her squishmallows and spent the weekend Tik Toking. 
She never missed a day of school and aside from the swelling, you would have never known.


Happy 11th Birthday, Addy!!!

My sweet Addycakes is 11. 
She was so excited for her birthday and planned every detail right down to her gifts. 

She wanted chocolate and white cupcakes for family dinner. 
So, I put both girls to work.

She wanted cake pops for her school treat. 

She wanted spaghetti and meatballs for her family dinner. Check. 
She wanted a boba tea squishmallow. Check.

She also wanted a pottery wheel. Check. 
Many thanks to Nana and Jojo for the absolute messiest gift ever!

Happy 11th birthday, Sweet Girl!!

She finished the night with her pottery wheel. 
Check out those guns!

Addy decided to take one of her most favorite things and turn it into a friend party.
Insert the second messiest part of her birthday! 

A baking party! 
I'm pretty sure I'm still scraping sugar off walls, counters, floors, cupboards

She wanted a pink cake with macarons. Check. 

I found the sweetest girl named, Sarah to come and "teach" the baking party. 
She was amazing and had extreme patience! More than I could have ever!
She taught them proper etiquette, how to measure, how to mix and to not lick their fingers! 
She did forget to tell them not to mess with the latches on the spring form pans. 
A big lesson and a horrible smell later, we were on our way!

While the cakes baked (and leaked all over my oven), 
we had a super yummy lunch of McDonalds Chicken Nuggets and doritos. Check. 

Gift time!!

Do you see a theme with squishmallows?

Such a great group!! 

While the cakes were cooling we enjoyed cake and ice cream! 

Then it was time to decorate. 
Sarah taught them a few little tricks and how to dye frosting!

They turned out so well!! 
And were so yummy!

After most of the girls had gone home, Roz and Ella stayed and hung out for a bit. 

Roz took these photos and they are my favorite!!
So happy!

Happy Birthday to my little schmoopie boop! 

You are the light of my life!


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Cousin Night!

Very rarely do we get all the girl cousins together when it isn't a holiday. 
Lots of giggles, burgers, cards, and happiness!


Career Day at GHS!

I ran to the office to pick up a few things and we have a new decoration! 

I was in the office because I had to pick up a few things for a job fair! 
I had a table at the Genoa High School Career Day. 
I absolutely love this event! 
I get to share what I love at the place I love! 
My little Pink Panthers were a huge hit and so was the big one! 
Many of selfies were taken that day. 

Addy was so excited after school and put him in a seatbelt. 


Casino Night!

 As Treasurer of the Athletic Boosters, I help host two BIG fundraisers each year. 

In August, we host a gala and in March, we host Casino Night! 

This was so much work and so much fun!! I was super busy so I didn't get many photos but we did wonderful, raised more than we had hoped and everyone was still talking about it later in the week! 

As the DJ said: There ain't no party like a Genoa party! 

I loved our centerpieces!

A couple of selfies that I stole from others! 
Addy's teachers!! 

Four of the hardest working mom's in Genoa! 
We wore matching Queen shirts!

So I made John the King!!

Ava's Spring Fling Dance

Ava Kate had her first official formal dance! 
She made plans with all of her friends and even went dress shopping! 
I thought that was odd and then realized, she just wanted to hang with her friends. Haha! 
Because my girl stayed true to herself and wore what she would be comfortable in. 
I think it was perfect!

Although, she did let me through a couple of waves in her signature ponytail. 

We then headed to Lucy's where all of the posse met for for photos beforehand. 
I love them all so much! 
They looked amazing!

The dance was fun, they all had to much fun. Expectations were low but I've seen the snapchat video and they danced the night away. Well, until 7:30 when the dance was over. Ha!!

Back to Lucy's for snacks and a sleepover! 
So grateful for all of these friends and parents!


Varsity Basketball Cheer