Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Spring Break, Part 2 - Vermont

Part 2 of Spring Break was spent with a quick trip to Vermont. 
We hadn't seen Brody since before COVID and wanted to get some time with him! 
We had wonderful weather!
Lots of swimming, shopping, food and alpaca's!


Spring Break, Part 1

We kicked off Spring Break with an overnight at Kalahari! 
I took three photos and none have Ava. 
We basically got to Kalahari and she peaced out and spent the entire time with her friends. 
There were about 7-8 girls from her friend group so they ran wild. 
Addy had a good time with Ella but I wish we could have brought her a friend. 

We woke up early the next day and started Part 2. 
Napping on a squishmallow. 
More to come!


Happy Birthday, JoJo!

We celebrated Tracy's birthday with a yummy dinner cooked by John! 
Tracy's kids were able to join us so she had everyone together. 
We finished up with a yummy Nothing Bundt Cake. 
So good!


Grandma Bird

Last weekend for a full 48 hours, this thing pecked at our kitchen window. 
Since it was a cardinal, I was convinced it was my Grandma. 
The first few hours, it was so sweet. We kept talking to her and telling her we loved her. 
But then she wouldn't stop and by the end of the day, we were saying "Ok, Grandma!" 
Addy was very interested in this and kept putting out plates of food. 
It was so cute! 
She eventually flew away and we haven't seen her since. 
Guess she got her point across.


Annual Mancy's Night Out

We took a break from adulting and parenting and joined our friends for our annual Mancy's Night Out. 
It was such a nice time out! 

We pre-gamed a little at our house! 

The girls spent the night with my mom and Tracy. We came home to a little surprise in our bedroom. 
Nana and Jojo are bad influences. 


Monday, March 28, 2022

Genoa School Levy

 Genoa has a VERY BIG school levy coming up for vote in May. 
It's a game changer for our school system. I pray daily for YES votes. 

In the meantime, we do want we can to support. 
We got new shirts. Addy calls them Levy Meeting shirts. Because I always say I'm going to the levy meeting. Ha! 
Everyone in the community wears the shirts on Wednesdays. Addy LOVES matching her teachers every Wednesday. 

New sign in our yard. 

Dinner fundraiser at Chipolte!

Stay tuned!! 

Ava's 7th Grade Achievement Breakfast

Ava Kate was invited to the Achievement breakfast provided for the school in recognition for her hard work this year. The parents were invited to join. 

We are absolutely so proud of her. She works hard, has straight A's while playing double sports, keeping up with weekly church homework and just being a polite kid. We are truly blessed. 

The 2nd best part of this was every.single.girl in her circle of friends were also there. 
Because my sweet girl surrounds herself with fantastic friends. 

They are such a great group of girls and I couldn't ask for a better circle for my girl. 

All the kiddos received a bag of goodies. 
Little sister was pretty stoked about this!


Varsity Basketball Cheer