Friday, July 30, 2021

California - Day 2

We woke up an absolute gorgeous day in San Diego. 
I will say we had the most perfect weather the entire we were there!! 
Warm with a nice breeze. 
Since I knew we would only have a short time in the area. I booked us on a tour around the city. 
They picked us up at the local YMCA downtown. 

First stop was La Jolla Shores. 
I would retire here. 
It was so perfect and beautiful. 
So if we ever win the lottery or strike gold, this is where you will find me. 
This was where I met the Pacific Ocean for the first time. 
It was glorious!

And we can't forget about this guy! 
I wanted to bring him home. Addy suggested naming him Jonathan. 

Next up: Mt. Soledad Memorial. 
This place was amazing!! 
It had amazing views of the entire city along with the most heartfelt memorial. 
This photo? Ava Kate took it. 

Next stop: Balboa Park
We would have never had the time to go through the whole thing. 
They said it takes 4-5 days. 
The zoo also sits on this property. 
But from the little part we did see?

On to Old Town Mexico.
This part of the city is visible from Tiajuana. 
We enjoyed the street vendors, Addy bought a ring. I bought a churro!! 

The last stop was Coronado Island. 
The swanky part of the city. 
We had about 45 minutes on the beach. 
We enjoyed a cool, refreshing beverage ($64 for 4 drinks!!) and a game of Jenga!! 

Our tour finished for the day and were hungry so we ventured to the The Fish Market. 
Your options on the menu is whatever was just caught. 
John, Ava and Addy tore this up!! 
I had a salad. But while we were waiting for our table, we got to enjoy this famous statue. 

As you will see on this trip, I love to find super cool things. Especially famous places. 
So...we found the Top Gun bar! 
This is the bar where the Great Ball of Fire scene was filmed. 

After that, we decided to end the evening at the beach so the girls could get some time in. 
We spent a couple of hours so they could jump waves and enjoy the Pacific. 

We grabbed In and Out Burger for dinner on the way home and collapsed into bed. 
It was a super full amazing day!!!


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