Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Well, Hello Summer!

The weather has hit! It's warm and sunny and gorgeous!!
The first nice day we had and the girls made do as the pool wasn't open yet. 
Addy got a slip and slide for her birthday! 
They had a blast! 

Spring Soccer

We wrapped up the Spring Soccer season this past weekend. It was the first year playing co-ed and these girls are so badass. They ran circles around the boys and never faltered. 

Gah. I love them so much. I love watching them! 

 This also popped up in my memories so I had to do a side by side. 

My little love at her very first soccer practice six years ago. She went from a little girl to dominating the field. 

Happy Mother's Day!

Mothers Days was wonderful! 
We had two different celebrations on two different weekends because Nana was out of town. 
First up!! 
Celebrating ME!! 
I woke up to sweet gifts including my annual Jan Pugh plate, a new phone case and the ultimate gift! See next photo! 
We celebrated with lunch at Poco Piati a visit with Grandma. The weather was terrible so we headed home and snuggled under blankets and watched THREE movies! 

My big gift! John had us turned into the Royal Family! 
I love it so much!

Addy's questionnaire from school. I love it!

Next up was brunch with Nana and Jojo!! 

We invited Jojo's kids over to celebrate!

 We had super yummy food and wonderful weather!! 

We went to visit Grandpa later that day and took him dinner. 
These girlies were super hyper so I left them outside to picnic. 
They had a blast!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Addy's Celebration Day!

To wrap up the school year, Addy's teacher draws a name each day to see who is being celebrated! 
Addy was the 2nd one!! 
She got to be the line leader, sit at the teachers desk and enjoy all the kind things her friends had to say. 
She's such a sweet pea!


May Days

 May 4th was Election Day! 
It was a big election for Genoa Schools, as we had a levy on the ballot. I worked hard on the committee to educate our community on the importance of the levy. 
These girls (which happened to be Disney Day for Addy) smiled and asked the community to vote. 
Unfortunately, it didn't pass. We will work even harder in the fall. 

Regardless of the outcome, we still celebrated Cinco de Mayo! 
We had tacos, bean dip, homemade guac and margarita's! 
Of course, the girls had them without the tequila. 
Nana, Jojo, Emily and Uncle Nate come over for dinner too!

Friday, May 7, 2021

Ava's Yes Day!

We recently watched the movie called Yes Day and both girls requested a special day. 
We had them submit a list of wants and a budget request. 
Ava's Day came up first. 
We had to say Yes to everything or pay her $1 for each No. 
We had to wake up when she woke up. We got to sleep until 8:30 so that was a bonus for me! 
I had to give her a 15 backrub and then she picked out everyone's outfits for the day! 

Then it was off to lunch with her sister friends. 
She ordered an entire pizza just for herself. I think it goes without saying, we had plenty of leftovers. 

Then we loaded up the car and went back to Rozzie's house for play! 

On the way home, we stopped at Kroger so she could get all of her favorite snacks. 

Not one to be forgotten, Ava "allowed" Addy to get snacks too!

Then YES Day came to a screeching halt. The rest of the festivities were canceled because something better came along. 
Lucy had a party. 
We had a small disagreement about pick up times. 
Poor Ava has a Mama that doesn't stay up super late so she was mad to be the first one to go home. 

Pretty fun day for Ava!!

Farewell, Shelby!

Shelby is moving to Owens Corning's IT Department. 
While we are sad to see her move to another department, she will still work for Owens Corning! 
We celebrated with good friends and margarita's!! 

Hicks. My Marketing buddy. 


Varsity Basketball Cheer