We recently watched the movie called Yes Day and both girls requested a special day.
We had them submit a list of wants and a budget request.
Ava's Day came up first.
We had to say Yes to everything or pay her $1 for each No.
We had to wake up when she woke up. We got to sleep until 8:30 so that was a bonus for me!
I had to give her a 15 backrub and then she picked out everyone's outfits for the day!
Then it was off to lunch with her sister friends.
She ordered an entire pizza just for herself. I think it goes without saying, we had plenty of leftovers.
Then we loaded up the car and went back to Rozzie's house for play!
On the way home, we stopped at Kroger so she could get all of her favorite snacks.

Not one to be forgotten, Ava "allowed" Addy to get snacks too!
Then YES Day came to a screeching halt. The rest of the festivities were canceled because something better came along.
Lucy had a party.
We had a small disagreement about pick up times.
Poor Ava has a Mama that doesn't stay up super late so she was mad to be the first one to go home.
Pretty fun day for Ava!!