Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Happy Valentines Day!!!

We aren't huge Valentines celebrators but I love a special day to love on my girls! 
I only had one girl celebrating at school. Middle School is beyond Valentines. Haha! 
Decked out in her heart shirt, Addy went off to party at school. 

This year the PTO offered Valentine Grams for the kiddos. 
We pre-ordered a slap bracelet and candy rose for our Valentine and they delivered it to class! 
After school she said "Look what you got me!" Haha!

Ava Kate had a basketball game! They won against Eastwood and Makenna was a beast! 

I found a gluten free baker in Toledo and she makes my life a better place. Ha!
I pre-ordered these heart cakes and they were so yum! 

We showered the girls with heart donuts, candies and Fortnite gift cards. 
Then I got a big surprise with two very special bracelets, each personalized from my girls. 
I was so surprised! And I love them! 

Then we were off to our annual dinner at Mancy's with the friends! 
I've been gluten free for about a month and I splurged. And I didn't regret it!
Pear martini's, filet with blue cheese sauce, and bread pudding. 

 Such a great weekend! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Happy Lunar New Year- 2021, The Year of the Ox!

Happy New Year!! 
While we couldn't celebrate in the capacity of which we hoped, we still had fun!
We were sad this year as I wasn't able to visit Addy's class. 
We still sent in treat bags for the kids and shared the culture. 

The weekend before I put the kabosh on some things for the girls, so I decided to allow the girls to have a few friends over and celebrate! 

Before their friends came over we gifted them with Slime Lickers. 
The have been a well sought after candy that has been sold out for months. 
Luckily for Facebook, I received notification of another mama who had found them. 

We cooked hibachi for all of the kiddos! 
It was so good!!

Addy had Maisie, Kate and Kira over. 

Ava had McKenna, Tatum, Adam, Sydney and Alex. 

They were good but LOUD. Goodness. 
The nine year olds were perfect but the twelve year olds were so crazy!! 

Sunday we celebrated with our sister friends. 
Mama Katie hooked the girls up with special treats and crafts. 

Only Roz and Ava were brave enough for the sparklers! 

We had a wonderful celebration with our friends and family!


Project Runway

In her modeling debut, we have Addy sporting a magenta Cat and Jack dress from Target...
I received a message from one of my teacher friends that Addy was featured on the school photo poster. So sweet!!!  I asked her if she was excited and she said "Oh, I didn't know!" Haha!!


Friday, February 12, 2021

Tik Tok!

I picked up Ava and her BFF's from school on Wednesday for a special fun activity. 
First up, we had to wait for Addy so we messaged their favorite 4th grade teacher and she came out to the parking lot to say HI! We love Miss Fravel! She's the best! 

Meet Brittany. 
Brittany is a Tik Tok influencer. 
Uncle Nate hired her to promote his company. She lives in Southern California and was visiting Nate for the week and doing some work for RIO. 

Well, we finagled an hour of her time to create videos with the girls! 

Each girl created their own video with her and then they did a couple of group videos. 
Their views and followers have increased and they are all so giddy!!

She is so fun!!

She then hung around with the girls afterwards to talk to them about the app and things they can do to promote their accounts. So grateful to have met her!


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Snow Days

Northwest Ohio got dumped with about seven inches of snow!! 
The girls were so excited because it snagged them an additional virtual day. 
They played with Alice!


And each other!!

After Daddy finished his tasks for the days, they headed to the sledding hill with everyone else in Oregon! Haha!

Then finished it off with newest addition to our yard, Frosty!

In between snow play and hot chocolate, Addy and I put together her Valentine box! 
It's so adorable!


Varsity Basketball Cheer