Friday, October 23, 2020

Jason's Pumpkin Patch!!


We finally found a day to make it to the Pumpkin Patch!! 
I really wanted to go during the week to avoid crowds. 
Fortunately working from home allowed us to make an impromptu trip. 
I picked the girls up from school, we dodged the rain, and only saw onw other family!

The girls on these barrel rolls were cracking my up! 
Addy was like a hamster! Haha!

The older I get, the more I realize I would really love to have farm animals. 
Baby goats are my jam. And these were no exception!

But this little pig? Gah!! 
I was so in love!! 
When we came back through, she was sleeping and snoring. I could have watch her for hours!

The most beautiful baby cow. 
I loved her. 

We also ran through the corn maze which resulted in everyone's shoes to be thrown in the washer when we got home! 
Pumpkin decorating this weekend! 
Stay tuned!

Cheer Camp

 Due to COVID, Addy's Cheer season was canceled. 
But her amazing coaches hosted a small camp for the girls. 
Addy had a blast and was so happy to get a little bit of cheer this season. 
Looking forward to next year!

Happy Birthday, Maisie!!

Addy's BFF celebrated her 9th birthday! 
Addy was invited over to play for a little bit and the girls were so cute in their Besties shirts!


Lunch with Jodi and Ginger!!

When I started at Owens Corning, I was promoted within a year to the "phone team". 
Jodi, Ginger, and I were the phone girls. We set up the phones, fixed the phones, and managed the phone queues and schedules. We were a force! Ha! 
We were peas in a pod for about 5-7 years until promotions/new jobs took us in separate directions. 
These girls were my sounding boards through my wedding, infertility and Nate's addiction. 
We are truly making a conscious effort to get together every couple of months for dinner. 
Love these girls!! 
Lifelong friends!


Visit with Dad

Look closely....
you can see...
MY DAD!!!! 
He is finally out of quarantine and we were able to have a window visit with him! 
We were making fun of his white shorts and telling him he looked like he was sitting in his underwear. Ha!
We were able to talk for about 20 mins. It was so good to see his face!


Monday, October 19, 2020

Happy Birthday, Aunt Emily!


She's 42!! 
The girl who loves her birthday the mostest has celebrated the most coveted day. 
We had a low key pizza and birthday cake at JoJo's house. 
Em enjoyed her wine and gifts and declared this the best birthday ever. Which she has said every October 15th for the last 42 years. 

The birthday cake of 2020! 
It was still warm when Tammy went to decorate it, it may have melted. 
It still tasted amazing!!

We got her a little taco pinata!

Ava and Nate representing RIO in the "merch" as Ava likes to refer to it. 


Nana and JoJo were camping in Grand Rapids so we decided to go and visit them for a day. 
It ended up turning into an overnight visit for John and the girls. 
I spent the day out there and came home after dinner. 
We had a fun time, as the weather was beautiful! 
We spent time walking along the river, playing games and eating yummy food!

Funny story! John forgot he sold our big tent and just a got a one person tent since we RARELY camp. 
Therefore he spent the night in the tent and the girls slept in the bed of the truck. 
It was a good thing I didn't stay!

Oh, and I totally suck at cornhole. 


Varsity Basketball Cheer