Monday, August 31, 2020

The Posse

The Posse. 
These 5 have been running between the neighborhood houses for weeks. 
4 of them live in our neighborhood. 
They go from house to house and pool to pool. 
They always end up here and I'm way ok with that. 
I like to be the fun house. (Plus I know where my kid always is.) 

Tubing Fun!!

When Addy's BFF's family owns a boat, you are invited out for tubing fun! 
The girls had an absolute blast! 
Thank you to the Alexander family for including them! 

Sunday, August 23, 2020


We have amazing sunflower fields in our area. 
I wanted to take the girls so bad and they had zero interest. 
So I took my hubby. 

But the girls saw our photo and wanted a part of it!! 
The fields are so pretty!!

Life Lessons with Ava Kate

Ava Kate learned a life lesson this past week. 
She called me into her room and begged me not to be too mad. 
What you see here is slime. Green slime. Dried green slime. Hard as a rock green slime ground into her carpet. 
I was calm. 
I walked away. Googled what to do. 

Then sent her to work. Addy really enjoyed watching Ava get into trouble. 

It took about an hour but she did a wonderful job and the carpet is good as new!! 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Xel-Ha (Cancun!)

Ten years ago, John and I took a "baby moon" to Mexico, right before we traveled for Ava. 
While there, we visited a place called Xel-Ha. 
It seemed only fitting that we take the girls back this time! 
We booked an all day excursion! 
We were there for eleven hours! 
Nothing but swimsuits and water shoes. 
We bought the photo package so we didn't have to carry a camera around.
It was worth every penny!!! 
We did an underwater sea walk where we wore weighted helmets and walked under water for 30 minutes. It was very cool!!
There was a moment where the four of us were snorkeling together and holding hands. 
I'm pretty sure my heart burst out of my chest. I don't know that I have ever been happier. 
I'm so grateful for our life and what we do with our girls!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer