Thursday, July 30, 2020

2020 Well Checks

The girls had this 12 and 9 year old well checks. I absolutely love these appointments. 
First, I love our pediatrician. Like I love her and shes my friend. I trust her and value her opinion more than almost anyone. 
Second, I just love seeing my girls flourish and their changes. 
Ava is so big. She isn't a little girl anymore. It makes my heart ache but I love seeing the person she is becoming. 
Addy is so sweet and little. 
Gah...I love them!! 

Since Ava turned 12, she had to fill out a questionairre. 
She asked why and I told her "Welcome to Adulthood!" 
It was basic questions to get a feel on her feelings and emotions. I wasn't allowed to help her but I snuck a peek and she's so amazing. 

Both girls are perfect. Duh. 
Ava weighs 95 lbs and is 5 ft. 3/4 inches.  She grew 3 1/4 inches in the last year! So for everyone who has commented how tall her is? She really is. She is in the 56 percentile for weight and 66th for height. 

Addy weighs 56 lbs. and is 4 foot on the dot. She grew 2 inches in the last year. She is in the 15th percentile for weight and the 23rd for height. 

Only one shot for Ava and she took it like a champ. 
We celebrated with milkshakes as Odd Fodder! 

Happy Birthday, Makenna!!

Ava's BFF turned 12 just THREE days before Ava. I told her Mama that next year we have to have a joint party because we spent the last few years planning their parties around each other. 
The girls had tons of fun on the water slide and somehow conned me into a sleep over. 
Love them!! 
Sydney, Ava, Makenna and Tatum

John and I send this exact photo to each other. Haha!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Ava Kate Turns 12!!!

Ava Kate is 12. 
I'm not sure how 10 years has absolutely flown by but it has. 
Ava is so different from Addy in their party styles. 
"I just want a few people to swim and no cake". 

We kicked off birthday weekend with a gathering of some her friends. 
I adore them. We were missing the True Blue's and hope to have some COVID relief soon so we can be with our friends. 

I did get a "theme" out of her. Blue Raspberry. So I took it and ran with it. 

We had tacos for dinner but everyone overloaded on Blue Raspberry candy so there were blue tongues! Even Alice had a blue tongue! 

They girls mostly swam and played! 

Awesome gifts, especially this one!

It was all fun and games until the parents were attacked by the silly string!

More swimming and a super yummy ice cream sandwich cake. 

 Such a great group of girls!

Ava's actual birthday was also loaded with festivities! 
She woke up to a pile of donuts and balloons!

Addy had a doc appointment that day so I took Addy and John took Ava and Landen (her friend who's a boy!) to Get Air! 

Afterwards we all met for lunch at Sakura! Birthday girl wanted sushi!

We ended the night with our family dinner. 
She request steaks on the girl and chocolate chip cookies. 
Ava, Addy, and Shelby made cookies!

When Uncle Nate brings you a gift, it involves Recovery. I was actually excited to have one that we can use in the case of an emergency. But...that dimple. Ahhh....

 Thankful for our family!

Finished the day singing Happy Birthday to my girl! 
I'm so proud to be her mama. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Olivia's Baptism!

We were invited to celebrate Olivia's baptism at Intersection Church on Sunday. 
As a child, Olivia was baptized but she made the decision to reaffirm her faith. 
We were honored to be a part of this special occasion.

Top Golf - Cleveland

Back in February, Amy and I made a promise to the kids that we would take them to Top Golf. 
Well, once things started reopening, we chose our date and roadtripped to Cleveland! 
It was so fun! 

We had a sitter for Addy, as they have a strict policy on how many people per bay. 
We finished the day off with lunch at The Melt. 

Then we headed home to hang with Addycakes. 

Such a fun time!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Alice Turns 2!

Sweet little Alice turned TWO!
She is so, so sweet. 
Her vocabulary is amazing and she taps her chest and said "I Awice"
She loved everyone singing Happy Birthday to her and kept clapping and yelling "Yay!" 

Friday, July 17, 2020

Bike Ride - Inland Coast Trail

There is a  bike trail our our way that runs from Elmore to Bellevue and is 56 miles roundtrip. 
Daddy and the girls decided to make it happen. 
They picked up Subway on the way to eat at the halfway point. 
Well, one meltdown later from a certain AG "I thought we just look at houses" and they rode to Lindsey, had lunch and came back. We determined that it was about 22 miles round trip! 
Not too bad. 
But Addy has declared "I not doing that ever again". 

Varsity Basketball Cheer