Sunday, February 23, 2020

Family Lunch

Today we had the first of many family lunches. 
When our family experienced the loss of Aunt Sue, we realized what really matters and that we need to be together. 
So Lisa and I decided we were going to do this monthly. 
It was perfect. 

UT Womens Game

Ava's basketball team spent the afternoon at the UT Women's Basketball game! 
It was the breast cancer awareness game, so they all dressed in pink, painted their faces, and wore pink! They looked adorable! 
We kicked off with lunch out first!

This girl and I had fun too!

We finished the day out with dinner at The Dougherty's and lots of fun with the VR game. 

Driving home Ava said "This was such a good day with my friends, thank you for making it happen"
Love my sweet girl!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ava Kate's Masterpiece

One day last week I received the following message on Class Dojo. 

We were so proud to learn that one of Ava's pieces of artwork was selected to be displayed in the Administration Building. 
This was chosen by her art teacher! 

We were invited to the monthly school board meeting for Ava to be recognized. 

Ava and her amazing art teacher, Mrs. Combs 

Nana joined too!

Congratulations to all the kiddos who had this honor! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Presidents Day Fun!!

No school and a cool Mama Heather = Imagination Station fun! 
The girls had a blast! 

Valentines Day!!

We celebrated the Day of Love! 
I left some goodies for the girlies on the counter. 

Then it was off to school for their parties. 
This was Ava's last Valentine party. Instead of a box and a sweet treat, she opted for a Walmart bag and a bag of chips. Ha!
Addy chose sweet pink cakes and made a gumboil machine for her box. 
So cute!

Addy and her friend, Mylee

The church hosted a Parents Night Out for the kids on Valentines night. 
Even though we don't really celebrate, we still took them so they got out of the house and off electronics for a bit. 
So we were and got some groceries! 
16 years of marriage. That's what happens. 

John did surprise me with this awesome gift!! 
I love it!

We did go to dinner with our besties on Saturday for our annual trip to Mancy's. 

I'm still thinking of the bread pudding. 

Cheer for a Cure 2020!

Our cheer season wrapped up with Cheer for a Cure! 
This is our "host"tournament and is held at Genoa. 
I worked the apparel table from 8-12 and then helped at the concession stand too because those were some hungry spectators! Wow! 
Since I was busy, I tapped into my friends to get Addy ready. 
My friend, Lisa, did her hair and rocked it. 

Her awesome coaches. 
Staci, Jordyn, and Jodi. Just missing Bethany! 
Love them and everything they put into the girls! 

Waiting for her sister!

As always, she was amazing. So proud if this girl!

It was a great season! 
So grateful for the amazing coaches and Genoa who put this together for the girls. 

102 Days of School

Addy Grace's 2nd grade class celebrated 102 days of school with a 102 Dalmatians theme. 
It was so cute! 
They asked everyone to dress in a dalmatian theme. 
Luckily for me, Addy is pretty tiny so I was able to put her in a size 5 dress with a pair of leggings. Ha!

Sunday, February 16, 2020


Ava Kate was chosen as one of the Comet of the Month, representing the trait of Empathy. 
We couldn't agree more. 
She may be a little sassy but, man she is the most caring person I know. 
Well done, Ava Kate!

2nd Grade Musical

The 2nd Grade hosted their Winter Musical, featuring the one and only Addy Grace! 

Kate and Kira



She was right up front and super proud! 
She even had a little instrument part. 

Great job, AG!

Varsity Basketball Cheer