Friday, December 18, 2020

Homemade Ice Cream!

Ava needed to make homemade ice cream for a project for Science. There were a few options to try but she chose the ice cream. Because I'm not a super handy or a great in the kitchen, Pinterest to the rescue! 
It ended up being so easy and  soooo good!! 
Any interest for the recipe, it's on my Pinterest Recipe board. 


Happy Birthday, Roz!

 Our BFF turned 12! 

We dropped off her gift  and luckily for us, we were able to visit for a bit and give hugs! 

Happy Birthday to our sweet friend! We love you bunches!!

Hallmark Bingo!

 I hosted the 2nd annual Hallmark Bingo on Sunday! 
We dressed in our comfies, slippers, and watched Christmas, She Wrote. 
Everyone won a gift! 
Addy even hung for a bit until she won a prize and then it was off to talk to Ella and Roz. 

I, of course, dressed in my Hallmark best. 

Updated Decor

John and I have been changing a few things in the house lately. Nothing major, just some decor about 10 years old needed a refresher. 
This is the my most favorite addition to our living room wall.


Cards and Breadsticks!

Christmas Cards are in the mail!! 
Our annual trip to Rudolph where we were greeted by Rudolph and candy canes! 

I bribed the family with Campus Pollyeyes, if they rode with me. 
It was so yummy!


Goodbye, Wine Flight

One of our favorites has fallen victim to COVID. 
Wine Flight is closing it's doors. :( 
Their note says, For Now. 
We truly hope it is for now. 
We will miss you!


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

All The Christmas Stuff!

We spent last Saturday getting all of Christmas stuff in! 
Addy dressed for the day! 

We found an elf in Perrysburg and she had special deliveries from Santa for the kids on the nice list. 
We stopped to say HI and she had letters for the girls!! 
So far, so good! 
(I know a girl on Facebook who makes these fancy letters! How cute are they?)

Uncle Nate joined us for Santa!! 

We came home and Addy wanted to do her Gingerbread house by herself. 
Two words: Epic fail. 


Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt!

We did out annual Christmas light scavenger hunt! 
We dressed in jammies, made homemade hot chocolate and set out to find out list. 

We made up a couple of goodie buckets and dropped them off to our favorites! 
Look at these smiles. They miss each other! 

A crazy house in Oregon! 

We found everything on the list with the exception of the minion. But we found a Georgia Bulldog so we figured that made up for it! However, we did see a minion a few days later! 


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Santa 2020 -- Mask and Plexiglas Included!


Happy Birthday, Sydney!!

Ava Kate was invited to celebrate Sydney's birthday!! 
They went to Play: CLE in Cleveland. 
Then back to Syd's for a sleepover. 
She was pretty excited and had a blast! 


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving was a little different this year. 
We kept it very small within our bubble and enjoyed it with my mom, Tracy, Em and Nate. 
We really cooked it up this year! 
I made the stuffing this year from scratch. I bought loaves of sour dough and roasted it days before. 
The taste was fantastic but it was a little dry. Note to self: More chicken broth. 

I also made this! Caramel Apple Trifle. 
So good!

John made the turkey on the rotisserie and smoked a ham. 
I heard they were good! 

Because I only eat mashed potato sandwiches. 

It was a great day!! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Amish Country

Coming off weeks of sickness and quarantine, we needed to get out of the house. 
We decided to head to Amish Country for the day! 
We started out at brunch at Der Dutchman. 
Addy LOVED the peanut butter. We even brought a bottle and brought it home. 

These are the social distancing guidelines at Der Dutchman. 
8 pies apart!

We spent lots of time shopping. I enjoyed it. These girls were bored quickly. 

We were able to bribe them with coffees. 

This girl, of course, picked out Watermelon popcorn. Honestly, it's really good!

Apparently when we go to Amish Country, we are fans of the bakeries! 


Varsity Basketball Cheer