Friday, August 30, 2019

First Day of School 2019

Nana couldn't make it to the morning of school so she came over the night before to wish the girls good luck!

The morning of school started with a torrential downpour. 
So pictures were in the house. 

No one was here for the family, we took a selfie. 

As we were leaving the rain stopped for a second so we snapped a quick picture. 

On the first day of school, the parents are allowed to take their kiddos to their classroom. 
So we went in to have breakfast together. 
But...Ava is too big for me now. 
So this girl and I were ditched for her friends. 

This is Ava's last year of elementary school. 
Here is her first day of kindergarten and her first of 5th grade!!!

Twas The Night Before School {Open House}

The night before the 1st day was Open House. 
We visited Addy's class first and met Mrs. Zarbock. 
We delivered cake pops to each teacher and dropped off supplies!

Next up was Ava's class to meet Mrs. Eck!

"Where Will Your Wings Take You?"

These BFF's aren't in the same class this year but I know they will remain close. 

I think both girls will have an amazing year!!!
It's Ava's last year of elementary school! 

Camping at Manapogo

We spent the last full weekend of summer up at Manapogo Campground in Indiana. 
We stayed with our friends, Shannon and Brian. 
Our other friends, The Wagner's, have a home up there too! 
So the girls played with Piper and Emery for hours. 
We made a fire, had yummy food, swam, took a boat ride and indulged in numerous smores!
The perfect way to end our summer. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Happy Birthday Aunt Maxine!

Our greatest Aunt Maxine turned 90 this year! 
She was married to Uncle George who was my Grandpa's brother. 
I never met Uncle George because he passed in 1972. 
She never remarried but became a single Mama to 3 boys. 
She's pretty amazing!
We celebrated with a little Mexican dinner with the rest of the Dunn cousins. 

Shelby's Bachelorette Party

A friend from work, Shelby, is getting married. 
We celebrated this past weekend at Put In Bay for her bachelorette party. 
We had a great time! 

Just don't take Sam and I to the winery. 

Can't wait for the wedding in a couple of weeks!

Another Day/Sleepover with Mama Katie

Because our summer dynamic changed, I tapped into Katie for another day with the girls. 
No one was sad about this. Maybe sad because it had to end. 
I loved the little snapshots throughout the day. 
We are so fortunate for our tribe.

As I one wanted it to end. So we rolled it into dinner. 
With a "conference" call before we even made it home. 

Holiday World - Day 2

We woke up early the next morning to head to the main attraction.
Holiday World!!
With matching shirts and matching braids, we conquered the park!
It's an amusement park that has difference sections decorated to different holidays.
Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and 4th of July!
We spent lots of time in Thanksgiving (yummy traditional Thanksgiving food) and rides in the 4th of July!
Ava, Roz and Katie were the warriors with their adventurous coaster riding while I enjoyed the teacups with sweet Addy Grace.
We spent half the day at the amusement park and the other half at the water park attached.

We left the park still smiling and in desperate need of Mexican food. Well...I was.

Luckily for us...we found a restaurant and margaritas.
Because this was important.

We headed out early the next morning but construction and traffic slowed our trip.
We made it make to Toledo in the early evening and none of these girls were ready to stay goodbye.

 We left exhausted water logged and in search of Mexican food!

Varsity Basketball Cheer