Thursday, November 29, 2018

Addy's Turkey Disguise!

Addy disguised her turkey this year as a gumbull machine. 
We figured the farmer wouldn't find it unless he wanted gum!

Little House on the Prairie Party!

We were invited to celebrate our friend, Madeleine's, birthday! We were so excited because of the Little House theme!! 
It's one of our favorite shows!!
They made candles, necklaces, and had potato sack races! 
The food was yummy and we had so much fun!

Addy's Cheer Competition!

Sorry, Uncle Carl -- Cruise pics will have to wait. I have other posts to catch up! 

Addy Grace had her first cheer competition of the season! 
She has moved up a squad and is right in front! 
She is so sweet and does so great!

Cheer is on a break until after the first of the year to celebrate the holidays!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Addy Grace's Field Trip!

Addy Grace had her first field trip of 1st grade! 
The first grade class visited the Valentine theatre to see a play. 
They got all dressed up and had a great time! 
It's all she talked about that night!

When Mama has a meeting at church....

Fun with Freida!

We spent a Sunday afternoon watching the BGSU Women's Soccer game. 
We went with Ava's coach and his kids, who happen to be Ava's BFF's!
Frieda the Falcom was making her rounds in the stands! So fun!

We had a wonderful time and the Falcons won!!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Comet Football!

Our Comets are still in it!! 
We have won the first two games of playoffs and have two more to go before making it to State. 
The first game was luckily at Genoa so we were able to go! 
It was a little chilly but we still had a blast!!

Stay tuned for the Comet outcome!

Soccer Bowling Party!

The girls were so excited for the end of the year soccer party! 
Since I'm on the board, I was on duty so I tapped into our soccer family and had the girls hang with them! 
Addy ran straight to Sam and Ava hung with her posse. 
Both girls had a great time! 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Halloween 2018

The Halloween parade at school was moved inside for rain. 
Our JoJo Siwa and skeleton had a great time! 
Addy was super excited to see us, Ava not so much. 

Luckily the rain stopped for Trick or Treat and the weather wasn't terrible! 
It was one of the best weathers in NW Ohio for Halloween! 
We gathered with the cousins at Grandma's for our annual trek around Genoa. 

Their bounty! We are down to 2 bowls. I'm giving them until Wednesday and then I'm taking it all to work. I'm tired of looking at it! Ha!

Trunk or Treat!

Our church hosted their annual Trunk or Treat! 
Unfortunately, the weather wasn't cooperating so they moved it inside. 
So it turned into Table or Treat. 
We chose a Red Carpet theme and gave out popcorn instead of candy! 
It was a huge hit!

Our winnings! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


It was time for another road trip with Katie and Roz. Everyone was ready. 
Because of schedules and the holidays and vacations coming up, we decided on a day trip to Cleveland. I may have pushed for this a little because I was dying to go to a famous house. More on that. We started out early on Saturday and made our way to our first stop. 

The Melt!
How do you go to Cleveland and not eat at The Melt! So yummy!
Katie's sandwich was bigger than her head! HA!

Next up was all I wanted to do. My life is complete. Ha! 
The Christmas Story House!

We visited the gift shop, museum, and house! It was so cool!

It was so cool and I'm thankful my group humored me on this visit. 
Next up was a gigantic candy store. 
It was super cool and the girls made purchases for taste testing later on. 

After we loaded up on sugar, we headed downtown to check out the sights. 
We found the department store where A Christmas Story was filmed. It's actually now a casino but they still had the sign! 

We drove past the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was closed but we snagged a picture.

It was a cold and rainy day so we decided to head home. 
But not before a pit stop for cheesecake. 
But our fun wasn't over. 
We had a sleepover!!
We watched movies, ate lots of food and chilled out. 
The girls participated in their taste test challenge. Katie and I tried a little. But gross. 

We had a wonderful time and no one was ready to say goodbye. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer