Sunday, July 22, 2018

Friends Night Out!

Because of vacations, Ava and her friends Mya and Stella were going to miss each other's birthday parties. So I promised them a sleepover. 
We invited Molly, Cora, and Lincoln to join us!
We started at the Art Museum block party!

We ran into Heather and Ella and hung with them too!

Molly and her kids were interviewed by Channel 13!

Next up was the new splash pad at Promenade Park along with a free movie night of Peter Rabbit! 
We brought snack and blankets and had a wonderful time!

 Back to our house for a night of movies and forts. It was a wonderful night with our friends!

Rolling Hills Water Park

On the Friday after the 4th, I was missing my girls. 
When I get to spend extra time with them, I always struggle when I go back to work.
So I decided to take an extra vacation day! 
We headed north and went to Rolling Hills Water Park. 
We had never been but heard good things! 
We had an absolute blast! 
This is the only picture because John and I put our phones in a locker and rode slides and swam all day. We were almost 7 hours! 
So fun!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Lake Girls

While Mommy went back to work after the 4th of July, the girls and Daddy were invited out on a friends boat. There was fishing, tubing, and just plain fun!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Fourth of July!

This year we went downtown and celebrated the Fourth in the 419! 
My employer hosted a big shindig with food, games, and fireworks! 

We made our way to the back lot for fireworks. All day long Addy was so excited! She kept saying she wasn't scared anymore. "I'm 7 now, I'm not scared!" 
Well, about 20 seconds in, she was buried in my lap. Ha!

Happy 50th Anniversary!

My second set of parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! 
Amy and Sara hosted a fun party at El Camino!
We had yummy food and even better cake from Ideal Bakery. 
This is where they had their wedding cake made all those years ago and coincidentally it's where John and I got our wedding cake!! 

Such fun!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Happy Birthday Nana!!

Our family has started a new tradition for birthdays! 
We pick different restaurants for our favorites! 

Nana chose El Camino for appetizers. 
Cheese dip, chicken dip, and lots of chips and salsa!

Next we headed to Luckies for our dinner. Aunt Tammy and Grandma joined us for dinner!

We finished the birthday dinner at Big Boy for Hot Fudge Cakes. 

We had a super fun time with lots of yummy food. No worries, Nana. 62 isn't so bad. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Objects In The Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

The girls do not love the convertible. 
It's loud and their hair is everywhere. 
But I love these messy buns! 

Because I Never Want To Forget This....

This little one is so funny! SO FUNNY! 
She is a wonderful sense of humor but what she calls things sometimes is the cutest thing ever. 
She maybe said my most favorite thing the other night. 

We were having taco's for dinner and everything was laid out on the counter. 
I said "What do you want on your taco?"
Addy replies "meat, cheese, salad (lettuce)" and wait for it
WHIPPED CREAM (sour cream). 
I busted up laughing and told her I could eat her face because she is so cute. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer