Friday, March 30, 2018

2018 Spring Pictures

The Circus!

Daddy surprised us and got us front row seats to the Circus! 
There were clowns, Spiderman, tight rope walkers, and a camel ride!

It was so much fun!

Mary Poppins!

This year Genoa High School's Spring play was Mary Poppins. 
The girls and I went Thursday night. It was so good!! 
We loved it!

Ava's BFF Stella was in the children chorus!

Our friend and fellow soccer player, Mya was also part of the chorus. 

Our baby-sitter Grace was a toy doll!

Lyla had one of the leads, Jane Banks!

A picture with Mary Poppins!! 

This picture of Lyla's Mom! I love it!

Great Job, Cast and Crew! It was fantastic!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Mel O Creme is Open!

 We, of course, had to go on opening day. Daddy had to work but Mama stood in 35 degree windy rain to make sure our girls had their first of the season.
My cherry bon bon was pretty dang good, too!

Monday, March 12, 2018

We're Here!

I feel like I haven't blogged in forever, but our lives have been boring. Ha!
Our usual routine stuff with extracurriculars added in.
I was the mystery reader for Ava's room last Friday. That was so cute! She had no idea.
We bought these pillows for the girls over the weekend.
They are the flippy sequin's. They love them. It has been hours of entertainment. Should have bought them sooner! Ha!
Last night I enforced an early bedtime because the time change wasn't working for my 9 year old. As I  laid in bed reading, I realized I was getting a puppet show at the end of our bed. Once they realized I caught on, the giggles were plentiful. We laughed and laughed!! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018


There have been lots of snuggles at our house. 
While we were fortunate to bypass the flu and strep (this time), we had a virus make it's way around the family. Poor Addycakes had it the worst and missed 3 days of school. 
Ava and I are still congested, but we are definitely feeling better!

Basketball Camp

Ava recently participated in a basketball camp for Genoa. 
They had practice every week and learned drills. 
They wrapped it up with a scrimmage! 
Grandpa, Tina, Uncle Nate and my self were there to support. 

The Future Lady Comets 

She enjoyed this so much. I can see a little basketball player in our future!

Varsity Basketball Cheer