Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Ava's 2nd Bone Graft

We see Dr.'s on a regular basis due to the girls cleft lips. 
Ava was at the point where she needed braces but when we did x-rays, it was determined she didn't have enough bone to structure the braces. So...back to the operating room, we went. 
But...this was a much easier surgery as they didn't need to take bone from her hip, they used synthetic bone. It was completely outpatient but she had a slow recovery. 
We are a week post op and pretty much back to normal.

She was feeling well enough on Saturday to micro manage her sister into giving her a back rub. 

Zac and Rachel's Wedding

Jojo's son, Zac, got married and we were lucky to be invited to join the festivities. 
Daddy had to work so my girls and I had a date night!

Jono looked gorgeous!

We had so much fun!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Halloween!

I took a half day of vacation on Halloween. 
We had a food day at work so I made a few fun things! 
But I loved my bat clip for my hair!

After I left work, I headed to the school for the Halloween festivities! First up...Addy's class!
She decided to dress as Moana this year. 

Next up was Ava's class. 
She went as a dog trainer. 

We finished the festivities in the gym for the big Halloween parade with the high school band!

We finished the day at my Grandma's for trick or treat. 

We had a wonderful Halloween and the girls had ended with 3 big bowls of candy! 

Trick or Trunk

Is it really November 21st and I'm just blogging about Halloween?

Our church hosted a Trunk or Treat and this year we decided to participate. 
It was only fitting that we did a Ninja Turtle theme. 
Our pumpkins!

We decked out in turtle apparel!

And decorated our car! So fun!

This my moms car. It was a zoo!

The girls has so much fun and brought home tons of candy!

2017 Fall Soccer

Monday, November 13, 2017

Varsity Basketball Cheer