Sunday, October 29, 2017

Family Pictures!

We had our family pictures about a month ago. 
I had to share one of our favorites!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Emily!

Aunt Emily turned 39 years old on October 15th!! 
We celebrated with margaritas and Mexican food! 

Have a great year, Em! We love you TONS!

Football Fridays!

 Whenever possible, we try to attend Football Friday! 
We love to support our Comets! 

We've given Ava a little freedom at the games and let her walk around with her friends. We sit in the same spot every week and she's required to check in every 10 mins. She has her phone and calls to check in. Or she sends us selfies to let us know she is ok! Ahaha! 

Lanterns at The Zoo!

Our zoo is hosting Chinese Lanterns! 
We chose a nice rainy evening with our friends to visit. 
But we met for dinner beforehand. 
The girls are big kids now and sat at their owe table!

The lanterns were beautiful!

It may have been rainy but it was so nice! There were hardly any people and the weather wasn't horrible! 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Breakfast with a Loved One!

The elementary school hosted their annual Breakfast with a Loved One!
Daddy had to work so I was able to go and be their loved one. 

We got to hang with some of our favorites too!

Addy's Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

Addy's kindergarten class took their field trip to a Pumpkin Patch just over the line in Michigan. John and I were both able to take the day and chaperone. We met their class at the farm and were a little early so we indulged a little. 

Addy's class came and we enjoyed a special presentation which told the kids how to pick the perfect pumpkin. Then we boarded a hayride to the fields and were able to pick out our pumpkins. 

After enjoying some donuts and cider and checking out the animals, we called it a day. 
The next day was cold and rainy and all soccer games were canceled. 
So, Addy and I took advantage of our pumpkins and made a homemade pie with our pumpkins. 

So yummy! 

Happy Anniversary to Us!

13 years
1 apartment
2 houses
multiple cars 
2 kids
2 trips to China
multiple vacations

13 years also means we see each other for 33 seconds in the Burger King parking lot for kid swap and my celebrating with fruit juice at the soccer game with our anniversary buddies! 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ronald McDonald House

My fellow adoptive Mama's and I decided it was time to give back to the community. We decided to spend an afternoon at one our local favorites and cook dinner for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. It felt wonderful to do something for others and I got to hang with some of my favorites! 

Uncle Nate's New Job

Uncle Nate was recently named the Director of Admissions for Midwest Recovery. 
Midwest just recently opened their doors but it's thriving! 
And Uncle Nate has been working his tail off. There aren't too many nights when we see him before 8-9:00. But he is doing what he loves and I couldn't be more proud! 
We went to go visit him at his new office. The girls loved having access to everyone's candy jars in the office. 

Cheering at the Football Game

Addy's cheer season is in full swing. The girls have come so far in a few weeks! She absolutely loves it! It's so sweet! All three of the squads were invited to cheer at the football game. 

Addy had her friend, Anna

She only cheered for a few minutes of the first quarter. But when she walked out to the field, she was waving like she was in the Miss America pageant. Ha!

She did wonderful and was bummed she couldn't stay out for longer. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

School Pictures

Addy - Kindergarten 

Ava - Third Grade

Day Off School

The school had a teacher in service day so that left a day off for the girls! 
We are so lucky to have great friends who invited the girls to play with them for the day! 
They had so much fun! 
Thanks Melissa, Lyla, Cora, Molly, Cora and Lincoln! 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Releasing Butterflies!

I picked the girls up early from school one day for a dentist appointment. 
We were just in time to help the principal release butterflies! 
Addy wanted no part of it but Ava and I thought it was very cool!

Happy Birthday, Leilani!

 We headed to Medina to celebrate Leilani's FIFTH birthday, Luau style. 
We had a wonderful! 
These two get along so well!

Ava and Nick had a great time, twinning and playing football!

And I enjoyed myself being a baby hog to Baby Bennett. He is so precious. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer