Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Scariest Moment of My Life

September 12th was just like any other day. 
Work/School and finishing the day at Ava's soccer game. 
About half way through the first quarter, a little girl (with a mighty kick!!) kicked the ball about 7-8 from Ava. The ball went up in the air and and hit Ava in the face. 
She literally went up and back. She was horizontal in the air. This is when I realized she was completely unconscious. I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing. 
Ninja moves I didn't know I had got me to the field quickly. By the time I got to her, she was awake and so so scared because she had no idea what had happened to her. 
We were so fortunate that our friend Melissa was there as she is a neurology nurse in ICU and the coach for the other team was an EMS. She seemed fine but we decided to be safe rather than sorry. 
Off to the local hospital for a CT scan, we went. The staff was amazing and were so kind to us. Her CT was completely clear but a concussion doesn't show up on a CT scan. So we still treated her like she had a concussion which got her a day off from school and a week from soccer. She had zero symptoms and still hasn't. I'm so grateful for how this situation turned out. 
It was hard on this mama!!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Church Picnic

Our church hosted a end of summer picnic to celebrate the start of Sunday school and the return of the Roots, our children's program. 
We had yummy food and lots of fun with games and crafts!

This is Pastor Don, who is our head pastor. We all adore him!

Class DoJo

Our school uses an app called Class Dojo. It's like a Facebook page for school. 
You get to follow along the classrooms throughout the day. There is also a point system that the teachers use where they can earn points or have them taken away. But the best part is the pictures. 
We get glimpses into their days and it makes me so happy! Here are some pictures that have been posted!

Kelley's Island

We woke up on a Saturday morning and had ZERO plans. This is very unusual for us. 
Not one to sit around, the girls and I headed to the Miller's Ferry and headed to Kelley's Island for the day. Friends of ours had a house for the weekend so we went to hang with them for the day! 

It was a gorgeous and fun day! 

Lunch Dates

Hi, Remember us?
Whew, things are busy but good! Soccer and school have us going in different directions all of the time. 
But...Daddy is so fortunate to have days off and gets to pop in and have lunch with the girls at school. 
I'm so jealous of this. I've only made it a few times because of my work schedule. 
The girls love it! 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Conclusion of Colors

It was only a four day week so we wrapped up the colors. 
Tuesday - Purple Day 

Wednesday was Black Day AND Picture Day

Thursday was Brown Day 

Friday was Pink Day or Comet Day. Ava participated in Comet Day! 

Labor Day Mud Hens Game!

John scored us some tickets for the Mud Hens game on Labor Day. 
We found our seats and about 10 minutes later, the girls were bored and wanted to walk. 
We walked around the stadium and had a huge lunch. 
We are the worst Mud Hens fans ever. 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Comet Football!

With the start of school, it's also the start of COMET football! 
They are off to a wonderful start and we love to hang with family decked out in maroon and grey!

Labor Day Weekend

We had such a fun weekend but for some reason I only have 2 pictures! Ha! 
Saturday morning Addy had soccer practice and was completely fine. Afterwards we headed to the Farmers Market and she bawled and was very clingy. I chalked it up to first week of school exhaustion. So we headed home, I set her up on the couch for some rest. 

Molly and I took the big kids and headed to SkyZone. 
After an hour of jumping, they were pretty tapped out. 

The rest of the weekend was pretty low key. Lots of time outside on the pergola and catching up with neighbors. 

Put In Bay

Last weekend I had a FIVE day weekend. 
My staycation started on Thursday. John and I were going away overnight so I wanted to do something special with the girls. 
I woke them up early and we got dressed and went to McDonalds for breakfast before school. 
They were so excited to get breakfast and not have to ride the bus!

After I dropped the girls off, John and I, along with Amy, Sara, Janie, and Kim boarded the ferry and headed to Put In Bay for the night. 
Toby Keith was playing at Bash at the Bay! There were actually 5 bands playing throughout the day/night. 

We got over to the island early and enjoyed time at the brewery and winery. We rented a golf cart for transportation around the island. 

We had a wonderful time on the island and at the concert! 
It was nice night away. 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Baby Bennett

We did a quick turnaround trip to Medina but managed to squeeze in a  few minutes to meet Baby Bennett! He is the most adorable son of our niece Megan and her husband Nick. Since I am a HUGE baby hog (no shame), I swooped in and fed him, burped him, changed his diaper and clothes. I was in Heaven! 

So glad we were able to fit in time with Nick, Megan, Bennett, and Leilani!

Varsity Basketball Cheer