Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas Fun for a Wonderful Couple!

Friday night before Christmas, we were invited to celebrate Mandi and Kristina's bridal shower. Mandi has been in my life since the day she entered the world. Our families were best friends growing up! We are so happy to know she found her forever. The shower was a Ugly Christmas sweater theme. We did the best we could because we really don't own anything. Thankfully the sister in law of the bride gave the girls obnoxious light up necklaces. 

Addy won a door prize and closed her eyes while opening it. She was so excited! Ha!

Photo booth fun! 

Addy's door prize? Her little reindeer face. She loved it! 

PS: Because I was too busy visiting, I never got a picture of the girls with Mandi and Kristina. Whomp, whomp. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

Santa's Cookies

We spent a couple of hours making some of Santa's favorite cookies! 
They were so yummy! 

In between batches, we put together our Gingerbread house. 

The girls did such a great job! 

Ann Arbor Fun!!

Our first day of Christmas vacation was a blast! Mama Heather hooked up a fun filled day in Ann Arbor. Her cousin is a Sergeant for the Ann Arbor police department and agreed to let us take a tour of the station. 

I pray this is the last time I ever see her in the back of a police car.

In a jail cell. No worries! They were too cute to keep in jail. 

I may have enjoyed this trip a little bit too! 

After police station fun, we headed across the street to the fire station. We met a couple of awesome firemen who taught our girls so much! 

After an awesome fun on our tours, we headed to lunch and to the Hand On Museum where we finished off our day with our friends. 

What a wonderful way to start our time off!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

My Favorite Things

Our Christmas with friends this year had a different set up. We typically do a White Elephant exchange at someones house. Well, this year we shook it up a little because if I'm being honest, I hate the White Elephant. Sorry if that offends anyone, I'm just not a fan of junk and that's all you do is pass junk. :) 

We went to a nice restaurant in our area that served candy cane martinis. I had one. It was delicious! 

The girls. We had so much fun! 

This year we exchanged our favorite things. We put a $5 limit on the gift and we had to buy each girl something that is our favorite. I opted to buy them each a tube of my favorite lip gloss. 

Cindy bought us all her favorite lotion, Lisa bought us all her favorite hand soap, candy, and a Starbucks gift card, Heather got us all a small bottle of Captain Morgan and a picture, Sara bought us all her favorite oreo cookies, and Amy got us a gift card to her favorite pretzel place. This was so fun!!! We will be doing this for years to come!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Disney on Ice!

About three months ago I bought our family tickets to Disney on Ice. I thought it would be a nice family night out. 
Fast forward to the week of the event. Ava was invited to a birthday party and wanted to blow off Disney on Ice. I was kid once too and understood. But then Daddy wanted out. So I decided to sell their tickets and take Addy Grace on a date night!  

 Ava at the birthday party

Addy and I had a blast! She loved the Frozen portion of the show and her $30 light up wand! 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Official 2016 Santa Picture

We opted out of the Bass Pro picture this year. It's a process to get that adorable picture, so we took our official picture with another Santa this year. But let's be honest, they've seen about 7 this year. Ha!

Breakfast with Santa!

BP put on another great breakfast with Santa! Daddy had to work that day so it was a girls day out! 

The girls walked away with Toys R Us gift cards which we went and spent right away. It was much easier than listening to them for days wanting to go and spend them! Ha!

Doesn't everyone need a 3 ft. teddy bear in their life?

Monday, December 19, 2016

Addy's Christmas Program - 2016

Addy's last Christmas program at school was last week. She got a new dress, I curled her hair, and added some lip gloss. She didn't want to move because she was afraid she would mess herself up. Ha!

Her teacher Ms. Ashley 

Her best friend, Audrina

She did a wonderful job! So proud of our girl!

When Your Baby Is No Longer a Baby...AG loses her first tooth!

Addy's adult teeth are coming in super fast. She has four teeth on the bottom that have come in behind her baby teeth and she always has her six year molars. 
The dentist told us to keep wiggling her teeth in hopes to lose some baby teeth before they would have to pull them. 
Well, it worked. 
A McDonald's cheeseburger took that first tooth out! She was so excited! 
She ran to grab her pillow and put her tooth safely inside.

My baby is growing up. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

'Tis The Season

We have been busy getting ready for the holiday season! 

Barry the Elf has returned to wreak havoc on the house. 

We started our Advent calendars

We made Christmas Room Sprays with essential oils 

Sang somewhat at the hospital tree lighting

Played in the snow

Mailed our Christmas cards from Rudolph, Ohio

 Decorated Christmas cookies

Built and "colored a snowman"

Completed our Christmas light scavenger hunt

And I got to celebrate with my FCC Mama's! 

The season is in full swing and I LOVE it!

Varsity Basketball Cheer