Thursday, October 27, 2016


This past weekend we went to get Pumpkins! We opted out of carving this year and decided to paint. I despise carving and the girls never finish so I'm left to do it.
We spent some time on Pinterest prior to our pumpkin trip where each of the girls picked out how they wanted to paint their pumpkins.
Leilani was visiting and joined the fun!

 After pumpkins were picked and paint was purchased, we took one last picture before I made them strip down.

 The finished product. They look nothing like they planned them to be. It was basically a free for all which they loved.

Ava discovered she could write on her pumpkin and decided to tell her life story. Ha!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Birthday's Galore!!

 Whew...October is a busy birthday month! But it's ok because we get to celebrate with our family and friends.
First up was our neighbor, Kelly's, 50th surprise party! I didn't tell the girls until we were on our way because I didn't want them spilling the beans. Oh, and the lies I told Kelly on the day of. Ha!
It was held at a local pizza place and the food was so yummy!

The girls love Holly and Jayce. Jayce is one of the pitchers for Michigan's baseball team. We still love him. :)

Kelly was so surprised! She had no clue. So happy to be a part of her day!

 Next up was Nick's 1st birthday!

We attempted. We did not succeed.

And then the time came...Aunt Emily's birthday! This kid loves her birthday more than anyone I know. We kept it simple with a dinner out of her choice. She picked a Mexican restaurant and enjoyed herself a nice margarita. 



 Happy Birthday, Aunt Emily! Two years to the big 4-0!






Breakfast with a Loved One!

Ava's school hosted their annual Breakfast with a Loved One. I love spending time at the school. The staff are amazing, Ava's teacher is awesome, and living in a small community, we all are so close. I love small town life!

Monday, October 24, 2016


Mowing the lawn with Daddy

While Mommy is at work and Ava is at school, fun day at the park with Daddy!

Practicing soccer :)

A much needed girl lunch for pumpkin pancakes

Lunch at school with Ava!

 Breakfast of champions

Playing with fake snow!

Addy slept for an hour like this!

Birthday breakfast for Grandpa!

Halloween Sneak Peek

Here is a little sneak peek into the girls Halloween costume. 

Skye from Paw Patrol

And...well, Darth Vader. Oh Ava. :)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Def Leppard!

I FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY got to see Def Leppard in concert! 
I have always loved them (not as much as Bon Jovi) but still. 
John and I went to see them in Florida a few years back but it was an outdoor concert and it poured rain the entire time. 
This concert redeemed itself. It was AMAZING!!! 
Such a fun night with friends and Joe Elliott!! 

Saturday Morning Fun!

We met up with our tribe bright and early Saturday morning to put Mama Heather's skills to work. 
Family picture time! 
The girls had a wonderful time running around and playing!

We finished up with a lunch of pancakes! 
We always have so much fun with our friends!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Soccer Life

We have had a great soccer season and our team has improved so much. All the while having fun! 
Tonight is our last game with tournaments this weekend. 
Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 15, 2016


A true friend SEES the first tear...
CATCHES the second...
& STOPS the third. 

My girls. 

Sickie Girls

We had a couple of little girls that were down for the count a few days. Nothing serious but completely different illnesses. Addy had a monster ear infection that we didn't even know about until I went to braid her hair and saw her ear. We'll just stop right there. 

Ava had a little personal issue that I won't mention but I think it was an eye opening experience and it should correct itself.  

But there were lots of snuggles, movies, and oils happening. To quote Ava: I don't like to be sick but I love everyone waiting on me. Ha!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Pumpkin Farm!

It was time to decorate the yard! So, we headed to the local pumpkin farm for pumpkins, mums, and corn stalks. We didn't do all of the "stuff" with promises to come back another time when it wasn't so crazy!! 

Annual picture

Addy was so excited to see her BFF from school! They ran to each other in a big hug. It was so sweet!

We couldn't leave without pumpkin donuts and apple cider slushes. 

Ava has a teacher inservice day coming up. I think this will be the day we go back. When everyone else is in school! Ha!

Varsity Basketball Cheer