Thursday, September 29, 2016


So as I'm sure you've noticed, I've been a little behind in blogging. So I thought I would share what I just pulled off my phone. 

We spent some time swimming with Jade at her birthday party!

Jojo got a new puppy. She is a white schnauzer and her name is Milly. Her paws are huge and they look like pancakes. So the girls call her Milly Pancake. 

We met new friends who have adopted from China. The girls are Addy's age so I'm super excited she has friends her age and doesn't have to bug Ava, Ella, and Roz all of the time. 

Last swim of the season. The pool is officially closed.

Grandpa, yes Grandpa, got a new kitten. We had to stop to see her. She doesn't have a name yet but is super adorable! And really good at flaring my allergies up. 

Ava Kate's class took a field trip to the Art Museum. "Mom, it's stuff we always do so I knew everything"

John and I escaped for a date night to see Frankie Valli. We are big fans of Jersey Boys and loved this concert!

Ava Kate, however, was not impressed with my singing skills. 

Rockin' that Jamaican hat

We took Ava's friend, Sianna, to the Pemberville Free Fair. They were pretty excited for Walking Taco's. 

Last night of summer vacation swim with the Millner's. 

Furniture shopping with Addy Grace

 Lunch bunch with Ava Kate

Cheering on our favorite Comet, Caiden!

We were able to catch up with an old friend of Mommy's. We haven't seen each other in years and now we have 5 kids between the 2 of us!

Schedules allowed me to sneak a lunch with Ava Kate at school!

New Elsa dress for Addy Grace. 

Addy started cheerleading. Man, she loves it. 

Baby snuggles with Amelia

 First Ohio State game of the year!

I got to attend a Heroin forum with Nate and Erika as the speakers. This dynamic duo is quite powerful!

We lead a crazy busy life but I wouldn't change it for the world!

Fall 2016 Soccer Pictures - Ava Kate

Can we talk just for second about how grown up she looks?

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Addy's Surgery, Part III

September 15th marked Addy's third surgery since being home and her second on her palate. 
Her speech is still very delayed and this past July at cleft clinic, along with the Dr's and speech therapist, we made the decision to lengthen her palate. 
We were at the hospital very early and Addy was in wonderful spirits. 

The surgery took about two and a half hours. She, of course, was a rockstar! 

They put us in a room afterwards but told us if she was doing well that we would be released the same day. Well, about 5:00 pm, we sprung free! 
We went home for a day of rest. 

 She has been amazing in her recovery process! The day after surgery she didn't want pain meds any longer. The worst part has been her diet. She was on liquids for a week and continues on soft foods. She hasn't been too sad though. It's pretty cool when you get ice cream for dinner. 

We had our one week follow up. Everything is healing nicely and the Dr thinks we should see a difference in about 3-4 months. But, knock on wood, we are seeing a little changes in single words. Stay tuned!!!

Sara and Gina - It's Legal!

A few years ago I was invited to watch my dear friends, Sara and Gina, commit themselves in a unity ceremony. Well, this past week I was invited to watch them make it legal! 
They had a gorgeous day! 

Congrats, girls! Thanks for allowing me to be there for BOTH of your weddings! Ha! 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Autumn Moon Festival

We celebrated a very low key Autumn Moon Festival this year. We are in a crazy time of our lives but I needed to be sure we recognized it! 
First up was Ava Kate's celebration at school. 
I sent in Mooncakes and also Moonpies. Because let's be honest, Mooncakes are gross. 
Her teacher printed out Chinese letters and the kids were able to write their names using Chinese characters.

Ava read the book explaining the festival to her class. She's growing up!

Next up was Addy's celebration! She also took the book to school but only took in Moonpies. I didn't think the 5 year olds would like to try the Mooncakes. 
We spent the evening outside admiring the Harvest Moon. It was simply beautiful!

The Greek Festival!

Beautiful weather. 
The Greek Festival. 
Perfect day in the 419.

We enjoyed baklava with ice cream!

Played on the bounce houses

And we enjoyed the most amazing food!

This is hands down one of my most favorite festivals!

Monday, September 19, 2016

New Bedrooms!!!

We did some room changing here at The Houghtaling's. 
A few weeks ago we were out shopping (for a new table) and Ava found a set of bunk beds that she loved! She begged hard. Very hard. But there was no way we were going to spend the money on these beds for her. Because maybe you'll remember we are a co-sleeping family. We cannot get these girls to sleep in their own room to save our lives. So, we cut a deal. Sleep in your room for a week and we'll make it happen. 
She kept up her end of the deal, so we did to. We spent all of Labor Day painting, cleaning, organizing. 
We cleaned out the toy room and converted it to an Ohio State bedroom for Ava. 
Addy asked for a pink room so that was an easy change for her. We just took all of the current decorations and loaded it with Anna and Elsa. 
Ava has been in her room ever since. Addy? Not so much. She acknowledges it as her room and even goes into there to read books. But that's it. Every night I ask her where she is going to sleep. 
Her answer?

Varsity Basketball Cheer