Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2nd Grade Open House

One day I blinked. Then Ava Kate was in 2nd grade. 
With every ounce of my being I do not know what happened to the last 6 years. Time needs to slow down. I'm losing Baby Ava to Big Kid Ava and I miss my baby. 

Two days before school started, Genoa hosted the Open House so we could take supplies and meet the teacher! 

Her new desk

Mrs. Schlageter. We are so excited to spend the year with her. I think they are going to fit together nicely. 

The best part is she gets to spend her year with these awesome friends!

Dentist and Earrings!

The girls had their 6 month dental checkup. We absolutely LOVE their dentist. Everyone is so kind and the girls are super comfortable and never afraid. I'm so thankful for this because as a child I was petrified of the dentist which led to horrible care on my part as a young adult. I have since found a fantastic dentist! Anyhow, Ava Kate is cavity free! Addy Grace has a very small cavity on her cleft tooth. Those little buggers are hard to clean. 

The whole way to the appointment and throughout, all Addy talked about was getting "eannings". She had her ears pierced previously but lost an earring and it closed. She would not stop talking about  this. So, we decided that while she had the courage we needed to take advantage. She didn't even shed a tear! She ROCKED it! She shows off her earrings to anyone who will look! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Find Your Tribe, Love Them Hard

Life gets so crazy busy sometimes that you just simply get caught up in activities. But then you receive a text message from one of your people that they miss you. So, we arranged a last minute breakfast outing so the world will be right again. 
The best part was we all hit Costco afterward. That's just what you do. 

Love my tribe!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Childrenz Challenge

I signed the girls up for an event being held at Michigan International Speedway called the Childrenz Challenge. I knew Ava would love it, but I questioned if Addy would. But I knew if I didn't sign her up, she would want to do it. 

We dressed them in play clothes and old shoes and headed up north. Turned out, I made the right decision! These girls LOVED it!!

They never faltered and Ava never left Addy's side. It was the sweetest thing. 

They were soaked, they were filthy, and there was mud in places I didn't even know existed. I didn't plan well ahead of time and they rode home in only the shirts they received at the events. Ha!

We will definitely be signing up for 2017!!

Friday, August 19, 2016

While Mama's Away...

Daddy and the girls will play! 
And that they did! 
Daddy took good care of the my littles while I was sunning in Jamaica. 
Between the Wood County Fair and camping with Nana, Jojo, and Aunt Emily! 
Fun was had by all!

Varsity Basketball Cheer