Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ava Kate Turns 8!!!

On July 21st, Ava Kate turned 8 years old. It was hard to be sad about how quickly she was growing up because she was giddy excited. 
Funny story: I have always bought Ava a birthday shirt to wear. But I didn't this year because she hardly wears them because she is typically swimming all day. 
First thing she asked me when she woke up "Did you get me a shirt to wear today?" Ha! She got over it pretty quickly. We got up early and headed to breakfast at Tim Hortons for birthday cake timbits (her choice). And then she was super offended that I had to work. I mean who works on Ava's birthday??

After work I met the family at Chuck E Cheese. Her dinner choice. The girls love Chuck E Cheese. It's about #99 on my list out of 100. It was so dirty. But the girls had a great time. 

Nana and Jojo met us there and it was present time. It was a very musical gift!! 

Addy received presents too! Her gift from Nana and Jojo for her birthday didn't pan out so they hooked her up! 

We ended the evening with an ice cream cake! It was so yummy!

Next up, party time!! 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Imagination Station

The girls have been spending lots of time with Daddy this summer. Mostly they swim, but Daddy decided they needed to get out of the house for a bit. So off to Imagination Station they went!

The girls love IS!! We get a yearly membership and it's so worth it!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Swimming with Panda's!

Did you think we were literally "Swimming with Panda's"?
We hosted our Panda's play group last Saturday to swim! 
All of the kids had such a good time. 
I'm so thankful for this group of kids and so fortunate they are in our lives. 

Vacation Bible School

Our church hosted Cave Quest VBS last week! I ran registration and the girls participated. They LOVED it! They were so excited to go every day! 

Great job St Johns UCC!! 

Thursday, July 21, 2016


One of my sweet friends at work invited our family to visit her Lake House at Manapago Campground. My girls were beyond excited!! I wasn't as excited. Sara and camping don't really mix. But when we got there I saw the real bathroom, the real bed, the cable TV, and felt the air conditioning and I knew it would be a great weekend!! 
The campground was celebrating Easter that weekend so there were lots of festivities with the Easter Bunny! Even an Easter egg hunt!!
And the icing on the cake? We had lots of friends there! Sara, Gina, Courtney and her family! 

Now this was my kind of camping!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Chapel In The Garden

Growing up I rarely heard about my parents wedding. I knew they had eloped and had only seen a few pictures. I knew they got married in a little chapel in Angola, Indiana. 
Well, a camping trip took us to the vicinity and I had to look it up. And we found it!!! I was so excited!! Even though my parents are no longer married, this place still holds special memories for our family. Even more so after I found out my grandparents were married there, too! While I don't regret my wedding, I almost wished we would have followed in their footsteps. It's so quaint. 

I am so glad we stopped to visit. And I think my mom was too! 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Jeremy and Ashley visit!!!

Jeremy, Jen, Evelyn and Ashley came into town for a family wedding. The girls were so excited to spend time with them! It was great to see them!

And while they were in town, we had Ashley's baby shower. She is due with baby Brody at the end of August. 

John was sad to see them head back home but we are always thankful for the time we get to spend with them. 

President's Day Fun!