Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ms. Mel

On Wednesday, we had to say goodbye to Ms. Mel. We have been seeing Ms. Mel since January as Addy's speech therapist. She has been wonderful and Addy loves her! Normally we would pick back up in the fall, but unfortunately (for us) Ms. Mel is moving to Colorado this summer. 
While we are super excited for her next adventure, we will miss her tremendously.


We wrapped up the school year and Ava's class has some fun activities!

They had invention day. Ava took in cupcake wrappers on a popsicle stick. So your hands don't get sticky!

 The girls were super excited to take gifts to their teachers for Teacher Appreciation Day!

I found Ava reading to Addy in bed. So sweet! 

Addy got to visit Mama H at work! Bonus when we need pool supplies!

 A very cold morning and this girl wore shorts to school. 

Lunch with the teacher! 

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo 

I mean, for real?

Love their new shirts! 419

Ava Kate had a play date so I took this girl out for (decaf) coffee

Visiting Aunt Emily at work!

Hot tubbin'

One of the little girls in Ava's class lives down the street. They have gotten pretty close the last few weeks and have had many play dates! It's going to be a great summer!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ava Kate's Field Day!

Last week was the big field day for Ava Kate!  I took the morning off of work so I could watch. Daddy and Addy joined in, too!

Ava's awesome teacher, Mrs Avers

Ava did wonderful in all of the events! And they had so much fun!

They didn't win tug of war but it wasn't without trying. Real hard. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Having a July birthday means you get to have an awesome swim party for your birthday! But it also means you can't celebrate your birthday with your friends. So...her teacher offered for her to have an Unbirthday at school. We chose last Monday and took in a treat to celebrate. 
Ava chose pudding cups with smashed oreos and gummy worms. Actually, pretty easy for this Mama. She had a wonderful day! 

Happy Unbirthday, Ava Kate!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Fun Weekend!!

Last weekend was a fun filled weekend! We kicked off Friday night with Aunt Emily spending the night. I picked her up early so she was here when Ava got off the bus. Ava was so excited! We tried a a new restaurant that everyone enjoyed!

After dinner, we headed out to meet Roz and her Mama for ice cream. The girls had a wonderful time!

Saturday morning we headed up to see Aunt Liz and Uncle David in Adrian. We had a yummy lunch that Aunt Liz made us and then we got bonus Gia time!

Oh, Gia -- You are so awesome! 

After Aunt Liz's house, we headed back home for little bit and then took Addy to Nana's. We took Ava Kate on a date. 
We went to see The Jungle Book. It was hand down amazing! We saw it in 3D (can you tell by the glasses?) and Wow! We all loved it! 

More Soccer Pictures!

Four our last game, our neighbor Kelly, came and took some pictures of our little soccer player. I love watching her in action!

Great season, Ava Kate!!! 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ava's Art Show

Ava Kate had a Specials showcase at school and most of the grades had art on display. We hit it up to check out her talents.

Great job, Ava Kate! We are so proud!

Goodbye Soccer!

And just as quickly as it started, Spring soccer is over. 
We ended our season with 6 wins, 2 ties, and 2 losses. 
So incredibly proud of these girls! 
We have lots of fun, ups and downs, and lots of yummy treats! 
Way to go Purple Comets!

Varsity Basketball Cheer