Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Addy Gets ERRIN's!

Addy has been asking for earring's for awhile. Every time I get ready in the morning and put mine in, she asks. So we were at the mall the other night and I decided to bite the bullet. She was in a pretty good place before it happened!

She did ok throughout. But as soon as they were done, I said "You got earrings!!" and she SCREAMED in terror!!! Ha! It took a little to calm her down but once she did, she was and still is showing everyone her "errins". 

Autumn Moon Festival

This past weekend was the Mid Autumn Moon Festival in China. We celebrated with the girls and they both took treats to school. The traditional food is a Chinese Mooncake. Since these aren't as yummy as you think a cake would be, we send in the marshmallow moon pies! Ha! We also have a book they take to school to explain the holiday.

Addy Grace was the first! She was so excited!

Ava Kate was next. I decided for her class to send in actual Mooncakes so the kids could try it. 

(no, she didn't get glasses. They are fake. )

I received this picture from her teacher. 
She was pretty excited to share with her friends! 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jeremy, Jen, and Evelyn Visit!

This past week we had house guests! John's son, Jeremy and his family were in town. There were laughs, good food, hot tub, s'mores, late nights, and tons of fun!

Yesterday we said goodbye as they headed back to the Sunshine State. 
Another great visit!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Apple Pickin' 2015

Last Sunday we headed out to pick apples. It was a gorgeous day! And it was super special because Jeremy, Jen, and Evelyn are in town. Jeremy and Jen were at a family (the other side) so we met Evelyn's grandma at the apple orchard so she could pick apples with us!

The girls had a blast! And were so excited to chow down on the apples!

Even Nana!!!

Addy Grace was going deep for the apples! Check out her little dress hanging out from the tree!

After we picked the apples, we allowed the girls to do one extra activity. Evelyn and Addy chose the little train ride and Ava chose the bungee jump. 

And what do you with all these apples?
Make applesauce, of course!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday School!

Ava and Addy BOTH started Sunday School last week! Both of them! 

It was the kickoff so it was a big get together in the gym. They were split out by classes though. And each class was given a project. They had to take brown paper bags and masking tape and build something as high as they could. 
Guess who won??
The preschoolers! Addy's class!

Ava's class wasn't too shabby either!

They each had to fill out an "About Me" and color a picture of themselves. 

Ava Kate

Addy Grace 

I love them! 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sneak Peek

Here are a few sneak peeks from our awesome photo shoot with Heather. I am blown away on how gorgeous my girls are. I mean, wow. Thank you, Heather for capturing this.

There is a pretty amazing family picture but you'll have to wait for our Christmas card. :)

Fall Soccer

We are deep into fall soccer! I am coaching Ava's soccer team again. We didn't sign Addy this time. It really wasn't here thing. Ha!! But Ava is rocking! These girls have come so far the last 3 seasons. I'm so proud! Here's a snapshot after one of our games. How cool are our uniforms?

Go Purple Comets!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hey, Tooth Fairy!! Come Back!

Dear Tooth Fairy -- We hope you didn't go too far. Because tooth #2 popped out! 
Oh, and a word of advice? She has 3 more loose teeth. Stay close. 
Mama is going to go broke! Ha!!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Labor Day 2015

We had absolutely gorgeous weather for Labor Day. It was hot but we have a pool so it was perfect! We started off the morning with Mama Heather. But not for a play date! We did family pictures!!!

I promise a sneak peek. 
The rest of the day was spent by the pool. We were all so hot after pictures, we invited Heather over to swim with Ella. And Katie and Roz joined, too! We had a wonderful afternoon!

Nana, Jojo, and Emily came over and brought food! 

What a great way to end summer! And now we are barely pushing 60 degrees and in jackets. Ha! 
Hello, Fall!!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Noelle's Wedding

Guess what??? Ava Kate wore a dress!!

It took a little convincing but once she had it on, she wanted earrings and lipstick. Ha! 
We had my cousin, Noelle's wedding. 
It was a extremely hot day and the wedding was outside. 
The girls did ok, considering. And found the shot glasses on the table to be entertainment. Not appropriate, but entertaining. 

Noelle was gorgeous, the cake was amazing...

 But we just couldn't hang. Addy started to get really hot and super crabby. So we took off shortly after dinner. 
We stopped to visit Grandpa and Tina and Addy had a great time playing footsy with Grandpa. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer