Thursday, June 25, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I celebrated the first day in the last year of my 30's. Yep. 39. Although, Ava keeps running around the house singing "Lordy, Lordy Mommy is 40!" I still have another year. Ha! My mom took the girls so John and I could enjoy a peaceful dinner at Stella's. It was so amazing. But the best part is the restaurant presents you with a glass blown flower on your birthday. 

After dinner, we headed back to the house where we had cake and ice cream with the girls! John got a yummy cake from Michael's bakery. So good!

Bring on 40! I think I can take it!

Ava takes on The Sandpiper!

Ava is spending her days at the YMCA this summer in the camp program. She seems to enjoy it! They swim 3 days per week, play outside, and do crafts. And field trips. And this past Tuesday they had their first field trip. They had lunch on The Sandpiper, which is a little boat that cruises up and down the Maumee River through downtown Toledo. And...since it's right next to my work, I popped over to say hi and give her a kiss.

Ava's BFF when she was in preschool was Ava B. And now they are spending the summer together at camp. 

I had to get back to work but I watched from the window!

She had a wonderful time! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Happy Gotcha Day, Addy Grace!

On June 16th, we celebrated one year with this sweet babe. 
Does she not look 7 or 8 in this picture??

We celebrated all day! Addy's favorite food is ice cream, so you will see a theme. 
We made ice cream cone cupcakes for her to take to share with her class. I thought they turned out so cute!

After work and school, we invited our family and friends over for an ice cream sundae party!

After the yummy "i ceem"

We headed to the yard for a piñata!!!

Morgan Feather finally broke it and it was a mad dash for all the candy! Speaking of kids. We love these kids. They are all such a big part of our family. 

After some silly photos

Mama Heather captured this. 
Houghtaling, Party of 4. Yes, we are. A family of four. 

There was lots of swimming (thank goodness the weather cooperated). 

Thank you to all of our friends and family for making this day so completely specials. Addy is amazing in every way. And I thank God everyday that He connected our red thread. 

Medina Visit!

Our nephew, Will, was in town this past weekend. We made a trip to Medina to visit and Uncle George was having a little get together. It's always a good time with Will! Although this time around, it was much more low key for me. Ha!

The girls had a blast playing with Leilani! They played so hard for hours. I love they get this time together! 

Monday, June 15, 2015

It's a...

We attended the gender reveal for my friend, Sara and her husband, Eric. They are parents to little Sam, who will be 2 at the end of this month. 

The big moment came...

 And it's a BOY!!! So excited for the new little guy to join our framily. 

Happy Birthday, Mya and Stella!

This past school year, Ava had become pretty close with Mya and Stella. They are twins and were in kindergarten this year, too! Their grandparents live behind us so whenever they are visiting, they are over here or Ava is over there. They recently celebrated their 6th birthday at SkyZone, which is a new trampoline park in our area. And then invited Ava! She was sooo excited!

We hardly got any pictures because everyone was jumping around. Addy was even able to participate in the fun!

Happy Birthday, Mya and Stella! Hope you had a fabulous birthday!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Ava won the honor to have lunch with her principal before school was out. I received the picture recently and it's adorable.

Oh, AG. At least we know she napped. She must have needed it. 

Another Mama Heather photo

Visiting Sean and Charlotte's chickens

We were at a graduation party and it started to rain. It didn't stop this girl!

We signed Ava up for the summer reading program at the library. And she got her very own library card!

While visiting Grandma, we got to help Aunt Tammy sew.

Shopping at Menards and I turned around to this. Ha!

John and I were excited to have lunch with Rick from Florida. He is Jeremy's (John's son) father in law. He was passing through town on his way to his 23rd (seriously) Rush concert. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Daddy - Daughter Date Day!

Daddy declared Friday Daddy-Daughter Date Day! While I trudged off to work, these cuties and Daddy headed down to Imagination Station. 

They were there when it opened at 10am. And at 3pm Daddy called to say they were leaving and the girls wanted a kiss. I work down the road, so they pulled up out front, I ran out and gave them all smooches! What a great way to break up my day. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer