Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Sweet Grandma

Friday night, my dear Grandma took a pretty bad fall. She lost her footing and fell in her living room. She instantly screamed "I broke my hip". After calling 911 and a long night waiting to get results, she not only broke her hip but broke her femur in 2 places. She has a super long recovery ahead of her. She will have to have a major surgery but will have to probably transfer to a different hospital who can handle this type of injury. Please pray for my Grandma, my aunts and uncles, and our family. There are probably going to be some major decisions made. Until then, we pray. And be thankful she is here.

Holly Graduates!

A big congratulations to our sweet neighbor, Holly! This beautiful girl graduated on Sunday. She will be starting at Eastern Michigan in fall. While we are so proud of her, we will miss her tremendously!!!

Good Luck, Holly! The Ho's love you!

A Magician, A New House, and Some Shopping

Last Saturday, we had a super busy, amazingly fun day! We were invited over to Zach's house, an FCC friend, for a fun magician party!!! The girls had a great time, Addy from a distance, but still loved it! There were tricks, Ava was a helper, and balloons for the kids! Thank you to Mark, Debbie, and Zach for a great time!

After a great time at the party, we headed over to check out Roz's new house! We are so excited for our friends! And the girls got a little extra play time. 

After the fun, Ava and Daddy headed to a basketball game. We were behind schedule so Addy and I dropped them off. And then headed off to do a little shopping. She was a big fan on the mannequins at Old Navy and pretended to check me out at Ulta. She was so funny!!!

We picked up Daddy and Ava and headed to dinner. Ava tore up some chicken wings. She looked like she bathed in BBQ sauce. Ha!

Such a great day! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Big Campout

Nana and Jojo called to see if the girls could spend the night this past Friday. To camp out and sleep in the tent! Oh my word, the girls were so excited!!! We packed a bag, took pillows and blankets, and waved goodbye. The girls didn't even give us a second look. They stayed in the tent all night, roasted marshmallows, and watched a movie! 

They had a great time! Thanks Nana and Jojo! 

Ava Kate finishes Kindergarten

I blinked. And this girl finished Kindergarten. 

I mean how did it happen that quick? If this is how quick it's going to go, I need time to slow down. 
Here is first and last day comparison. 

I left work early so I could be home when she got off the bus. 
We dug into all her goodies she brought home. 
Her questionnaire. Can you tell who her BFF at school is?

Her Kindergarten certificate and Fantastic Friend Award! So proud of this girl. 

After we went through the fun stuff, we went to pick up Addy and celebrated with frozen hot chocolate at Tim Hortons. 

And summer begins. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ava's Field Day!

As Ava is wrapping up the last week of school, Wednesday was Field Day. I took the morning off to join the festivities. There were lots of events and Ava did a great job. She cracked me up during the tug of war. She was really getting into it!

It was lots of fun and I stole this picture from Myles' mom. Her BFF at school. 

Happy Birthday, Heather and Ella!!

Tuesday night we headed over to Ella's house to celebrate her birthday with ice cream sundae's! The cool thing about Ella's birthday is that it is also her mama's birthday! Double the fun!

We took the girls bikes over and they had a blast playing with the kids. Mama Heather snapped this picture. Notice anyone missing?

Because she would get off her bike!

Happy Birthday to Heather and Ella! We love you!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Little Panda's

A few pictures that I snapped while we were doing the Mighty pictures. 

These fools are running in the rain!

After the amazing photo shoot, we headed to our last Little Panda's of the season. It was a good time! We've learned quite a bit but mostly the girls love singing Happy Birthday in Chinese.

A huge thank you to Tina, our teacher, for her patience and teaching. 

We topped off our amazingly fun morning at lunch with this cutie! What a great day!

Varsity Basketball Cheer