Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Addy Grace Starts Soccer!!

We are knee deep in soccer season over at the Ho House. Ava is playing U8 and Addy is playing U6. And I'm coaching both teams. Yes, seriously. But honestly, while it's super crazy, I adore it. I love the kids, I love learning new things, and working with them! They get so excited when they get a goal! Ava is doing well, she is a natural born soccer lover. And Addy is getting there. She isn't the star of the team, but she tries so hard. Here are a few pictures of our sweet girl.

And when you play Spring soccer in Ohio, sometimes you dress like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. 

I'll have to have John get some pictures of Ava. I'm too busy acting like the crazy coach on the sidelines. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

AG Photo Session

Last weekend we had a very freezing, very windy, very sweet photo session for Addy's four pictures. We have some amazing shots and lots of choices to make. But I wanted to share a couple of my favorites.

Amazing job, H! We love them!!

Spring has Sprung!!

While Mommy was sipping wine, Daddy took the girls to the park to enjoy the gorgeous weather! Daddy sent me little pictures here and there throughout the day. It seems like they had a pretty good day!

Mommy Day Out!

Back in the fall I signed up to go a wine tour with three of my friends. It seemed so far away. But then it was here! And this past Saturday we loaded a bus at 9am and toured 5 wineries across Northern Ohio. It was a gorgeous day, wonderful company, and lots of delicious wine!

We only purchased one bottle of wine for the bus the entire day! 

One of the wineries even grew their own grapes!

We finished with wine tasting and dinner at Mon Ami. 

What a great day and a nice day away!

Our Very Own Rocky

The girl's favorite show right now is a cartoon on Nick Jr. called Paw Patrol. One of the characters is a pup named Rocky, who is a garbage man. And now Ava and Addy are so excited to have our very Rocky living in our house.

As most of you know, John has been on strike since February 7th. We rode it for a a couple of months hoping for a quick resolution. Unfortunately, the negotiations are moving as quickly as we had hoped. So we had to look at other options. My uncle owns a garbage business and has offered for John to come and work for him in the interim. It's hard work but I'm so proud of John taking the steps to help our family. We are fortunate the union has been a big help to the families. Between that and John "slinging trash", we are managing. Please pray a resolution comes soon and we can go back to life as normal. 

Monday, April 20, 2015


Another round of the life of my Houghtaling Girls! Never a dull moment...

Easter Bunny ears!

After a horrific storm, we were excited to see the awesome rainbow

Addycakes had bunny cakes!!

You know when you wake up to this? My life is amazing!

You know...just hanging in a box with a hard hat on. Who doesn't do that?

When you love your birthday presents so much, you sleep in them

Wrapping up a long weekend and taking advantage of warmer weather

Passing time during tornado sirens

With this outcome

Trying so hard to use those chopsticks. And ended with a fork.

Family movie night watching Cinderella. We LOVED it!

4 year well check for this missy. And she is still a major peanut. Not on the charts for height or weight. 

Silly hair passing time at gymnastics

I spent a day at my local high school (where I graduated) for a career fair. So fun!

And to show, they don't only crazy sleep on me!

Mya Turns 4!

Little Mya's birthday is two days before Addy's! Her mama and I are going to have to coordinate party dates from now on. :) 

Addy and Ava were so excited for the party!!

Although we barely saw Ava, she was running with her friends. Addy and Mya played pretty well together. 

After a big Happy Birthday, we all enjoyed cupcakes and ice cream (some more than others). 

Happy 4th Birthday, Mya! Love ya, girl!!! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Addy Grace Turns 4!

April 7th is Addy's actual birthday. We couldn't let the day go without another celebration! The night before we made yummy cookies for her to take to her class!

I was fortunate enough to get a couple of pictures of her celebrations at school. 

We met up with friends to celebrate at one of our new favorite restaurants for Chinese noodles! 

Ava and Ella enjoyed the "leftovers" from Larry's dish. They were having little conversations. 

And we topped the night off with Mel O Creme. 

I'd say her first US birthday was a success! And there is no doubt this girl loves her birthday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Easter Festivities - Part 3

We wrapped up the festivities on Easter Sunday! Ava Kate woke us up about 6:30 to check out the goods. It was a very Paw Patrol Easter at the Ho's!

My cover was almost blown though. I did such a good job on their baskets, Ava said "I feel like the Easter Bunny lives with us!" Haha! But as of now, I'm still good. 

Nana came over a little early to bring the girls the baskets she made for them. 
I bought the girls Easter dresses. Matching sweaters, shoes, dresses. But they wanted nothing to do with them because they both got Paw Patrol shirts and wanted to wear them!

We had the family over for dinner with our annual egg hint for the littles. I color coordinated it this year so everyone received the same amount and it worked awesome! Thanks, Pinterest!! We will definitely do that again!

We ended the fun with another basket exchange with Olivia and Morgan. Everyone loved their goodies! 

Addy with her "Let It Go" microphone and Ava with her ninja turtle mask. 

We hope you had a wonderful Easter too!

Varsity Basketball Cheer