Saturday, February 28, 2015

Super Hero Academy

I signed the girls up for a Super Hero Academy being held at a local school. There were characters and they taught them how to be a superhero with a meet and greet afterwards. These are the only 2 pictures you will see of Addy. She had a complete meltdown and freaked out. So my mom took her out and the hallway wasn't even far enough. So they left and went to Walmart. Ha!

Ava, on the hand, absolutely LOVED it! It didn't hurt that her favorites were there! Batman, Spiderman, Leonardo, Supergirl, and Loki (the villain). 

After the presentation, we walked around so she could meet her hero's. 

And she got all of their autographs. She kept saying "This is the best day!"

Chinese New Year - Little Panda's Style

Saturday was our monthly Little Panda session. And Teacher Tina made awesome boards and explained to the kiddo's about Chinese New Year!

But I think Addy had the best seat in the house! 

And the Addy/Mama Heather picture! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Checking out the Level 3 in Ottawa County. But those pigtails though...

Enjoying brownie pancakes for breakfast

With recent school delays and closings, spending some time at mom's work

OC wears red for heart disease

Addy had a sleepover with Aunt Tammy and snuggled right in. To the dog bed.

Testing her hearing (more on this later)

More time at work with mom and collecting candy from the co-workers

My two favorite Ava's were reunited at Ava B.'s birthday party at Build A Bear

While Addy and I were pampered by Miss Kelly at BareMinerals.

Chinese New Year - Addy Grace Style

Thursday morning John and I visited Addy's class at preschool to talk about Chinese New Year. It was so fun! Those kids were awesome and truly engaged in what we were talking about. We started out with a storybook to explain about Chinese New Year.

Followed by a craft. We made little sheep since it is the Year of the Ram/Sheep/Goat.

And of course we ended it with a snack. The kids enjoyed their cookies and juice!

I'm so glad we went spent this time with her class. It was a truly fun time!

Stay tuned when we take on the kindergarten class on Tuesday!

Presidents Day!

Last Monday was no school for Presidents Day. So I decided to take the day off work so we could spend time with these cuties.

Lunch at Chick Fil A and topping it of with ice cream?

Perfect way to spend a day with sub zero temperatures. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lunar New Year - FCC Style

We kicked off 2015 - Year of The Ram (sheep or goat) with our FCC family on Sunday. We dressed in our China best which I bought while we traveled to get Addy. 

We met at a local Chinese restaurant and had a wonderful turnout! I was so excited to see everyone and see all of the kiddo's dressed up. 

And a group shot of all our kids. How amazing is this??

More to come...Lunar New Year is just starting!

President's Day Fun!