Tuesday, December 29, 2015

In The Meadow We Can Build A Snowman

The last day before Christmas break was pajama day at school!

Daddy had Mama's back and took care of the elf for me!

The girls and Nana had their annual Gingerbread house building. Only to have it collapse within minutes. Ha!

Enjoying a lunch out with Uncle Nate

And spending their hard earned Christmas cash!

Christmas with Friends!!

Every year we get together with our friends and enjoy a night out and crazy white elephant gifts! Amy hosted this year and the party did not disappoint.

We enjoyed chocolate peppermint martinis

A few of the gifts 
Fish and chips, yes, like real live fish

This amazing painting!

And Chad got the gnome!

Such a great night with my girls!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Scavenger Hunt

Friday night we changed into pajamas (even me) and headed out for a Christmas light scavenger hunt. 

I made the girls hot chocolate. I'm not lying when I say we went to the carryout down the street within 5 minutes to get Addy a chocolate milk. If she would have said "It's hot" one more time, I may have lost my mind. Ha!

So, Ava got the double whammy hot chocolate

This was the craziest house we saw. I don't know how these people sleep. :) 

We found everything on our list but the Grinch. We gave up after an hour. I didn't want to though! But...we saw one the next day and Ava screamed "LOOOOOOK!" Ha!
List complete. 

Happy Birthday to Ella's Daddy!

Happy Birthday, Larry!

We spent Sunday night at a local pub with amazing pizza! 
We got to eat, color, play, and celebrate with cookie cake!

And hang out with no coats, outside, in December. 

Hope you had a fantastic birthday, Larry!

Monday, December 21, 2015


Thought I better catch up on the other stuff...:)

I got to spend an evening snuggling on Baby Nick. This is all he did. I was kind of jealous. 

Making sure Addy doesn't take her toy

A little science experiment with a coat and Addy's hair

World Adoption Day

Go Comets!

Spending an evening with yummy food at our church!

More teeth falling out. I think we're up to 4!

Tea party with Sophie!

Barry the Elf is back. And Mommy is counting down the days until it's over. 

Moustache Straws

Different ways to keep the socks up!

Why Daddy is safe at work

New coats!

Game night!!

Guess who won?!?!?

Pajama Day at school

And now back to the holiday fun!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Breakfast with Santa!

Last Saturday we were at the Union Hall by 9am to have Breakfast with Santa! 
Yummy food, Christmas lists, and a special table visit from the big guy himself. 

The girls each received a Toys R Us gift card, so that pretty much determined what we did next. Ava was driving me crazy! Ha! She picked out a Minecraft piece and Addy picked out Shopkins. 
They were so excited!

Zoo Lights!

While we absolutely love this holiday tradition, it is craziness! The lines are miles long to get in the parking lot and sometimes they are completely full that you cannot even get in. We heard a rumor that the time to go was around 4pm to beat the crowds. Why we never thought of this, I will not know. But, wow! That was the way to go! No crowds, no lines...We've also had unseasonably warm weather so that just added to the perfection.

Another item checked off the bucket list. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

We are in full on holiday mode! Almost daily, we are either attending a holiday event, or wrapping presents, or crafting, or baking...you get it. 

I even made a special trip to Rudolph, Ohio to mail our Christmas cards!

Barry the Elf has come back to spread the joy! Or to create chaos for Mommy. 

We may win an award for Most Santa Visits this year. Stopping for a quick bite to eat before the Christmas program and it just so happens Santa was visiting. 

The girls are really into wrapping gifts this year. And it's adorable. 

And writing letters to Santa

Baking and decorating gingerbread cookies

Or Ninja Turtle gingerbread's

And I even got to sneak away one night to enjoy a night with my FCC Mama's. And I walked away with a sweet ornament, too!

'Tis the season!

President's Day Fun!