Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy 4th Gotcha Day, Ava Kate

Ava -- 
Oh, my Ava. I don't even know how to put into words what I'm feeling. YOU. You took my life to a level that I didn't even know existed. Like I said on Facebook, you are the only person who literally took my breath away at first sight. You are amazing. You are funny. You make my heart so happy. 

Some of my most favorite pictures of you...

I have made it a tradition to get you a Precious Moment for each Gotcha Day. So we added a prince to your collection today. 

A nice little collection going already….

You got to choose what you wanted to do on your special day. And imagine my surprise when you chose Wendy's. We laughed and laughed. Only you. Daddy make us a rockstar breakfast and then we headed to Wendy's for lunch. 

After lunch we headed to Jason's Pumpkin Patch to FINALLY get your pumpkins. It was warm out but so windy. 
You and Addy were super in love with the peddle cars and it was like pulling teeth to get you to do anything else. 

We finally got you to the animals and play area. 

And last but not least, we let you choose your pumpkins. You did a pretty decent job! 

We finished off the evening painting pumpkins. No, we didn't carve. I despise carving. So, I tried something different. I don't know if we will do it again or if need to use different paint. But you girls had fun! That's what matters, right?

You even had a special surprise at Sunday School as your awesome teachers made you a crown and had everyone sign a card. 
 You, my girl, are so loved. So incredibly loved. 

A Week Off

Well, kind of…

Within a matter of two days soccer ended, basketball ended, and my bible study ended. We had down time. Whatever would we do??
Well, we had a yummy dinner with Jada and Mya

We were invited to Ava's school for Breakfast with a Loved One

Had some deep conversations

And got to hang with Morgan for a bit

You knew I would find stuff to do! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Inventive Spelling

Inventive spelling is something Ava's school is using. And I love it. It makes me smile. They have to write the words the way they feel instead of the correct way. It helps them with sounds. Pumpkin or popcorn, anyone???

Happy Birthday, Aunt Emily!!

Did I really forget to blog Emily's birthday? Ooop, don't tell her that! It's like a National holiday in her world.

The celebration was pretty low key. Emily chose to eat dinner at Ralphie's. Not my first choice but it wasn't my birthday.

I stopped and got cupcakes and Addy was going bonkers with them sitting in front of her. This girl has a major sweet tooth! Ha! She was pretty excited when we busted into them!

We got Aunt Emily a puzzle piece wall hanging personalized with her name and a picture of the two sweetest girls I know!

It was a nice night and a shout out to Grandma for letting Addy decorate her with stickers! Haha!

Hope you had a great birthday, Emily!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Cake Pops, Friends, and The Most Amazing Picture

I decided Ava and I needed a girls day out! So I contacted some friends about taking a cake pop decorating class. We were so excited to have Katie and Roz join us! 

The girls had a great time and made Mummy Pops. They were super yummy, too! 

After playing in the leaves for a bit

We crashed Heather and Ella's quiet afternoon. The mamas chilled in the living room while the 3 girls played upstairs. We completely eavesdropped their conversations and cracked up! They are so funny! After playing for a bit, we rounded them up for pictures. We got this great picture!
But then this one happened. Between the three gorgeous girls and Mama Heather's amazing skills, we got one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. I love it, I keep staring at it, and I just ordered an 8x10 for my living room. 

Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking. 

Fall Soccer

The fall soccer season has come to an end. It was a great season and John and I really enjoyed coaching with Melissa. We had a great time and I'm sure we'll be coaching again in the future. Maybe, Shhh…Don't repeat that. :)

And we finished 4th out of 15 in the league. Not too shabby for knowing nothing about soccer. Ha!

Uncle Nate!

We were able to snag a couple of days with Uncle Nate. Of course, as quickly as it started, it was over. But we took in as much as we could. It was good for him to have some additional time with Addy and hang with Ava. She absolutely adores him. After the festival, we headed to the last few minutes of the family reunion held at a local park. Nate wanted some good pictures with the girls. So we wondered over to the trees and took some quick pics. So adorable!



Kapnick Orchard and Appleumpkin Festival

Last weekend we headed up to Tecumseh, MI to hang with John's sister Liz and our niece Quinn. Bonus visit with Jolie, Leilani, Andrew, Megan, Mako, and Ava's absolute favorite, Pyro. I'll let you guess who Pyro is. 

We visited Kapnick Apple Orchard for their annual Fall Festival. The weather was decent but super windy! The girls had a great time! We had yummy food, played in a fire truck, enjoyed apple cider slushes, got faces painted, and took a wagon ride. That Addy absolutely loved!

What a fun time!!! We love Fall!

Varsity Basketball Cheer