Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Birthday!

I feel like this has been the title of quite a few posts lately!! But I FINALLY got to celebrate my birthday with my mom tonight. Mine is the 17th and her's is the 24th! But we were both out of town for our birthdays. So, we celebrated with donut cake. Naturally!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ava's New Bike

We bought Ava an early birthday present this weekend. She LOVES it! And she loves the helmet. She wears it while watching TV and eating dinner. I have to force it off her for shower and bedtime. LOL!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Outer Banks 2012

We spent the last week in beautiful North Carolina on the Outer Banks. John's family (34 adults and 5 kids) rented a house for the 3rd annual family reunion. We had a blast!!!

We stayed in this house for a week

We played horsey with cousin, Andrew

We flew a kite 

 We had crazy t-shirt night

We boogie boarded with Daddy (while Mama FREAKED!!)

Strolled the beach with Daddy 

We took family pictures on the beach

We danced
 We sang karaoke
 We snuggled with Daddy
We dressed up as a hula girl
 We swam with Evelyn
 We saw Jeremy and Jen get engaged!!!
 We watched Daddy dance!!
 We built sand castles
 And we even saw a deer back by our deck 

We had lunch with Jeff and Lynn

And we rode a paddle boat with Daddy

It was a great trip and sadly Monday we are back to reality. I can't wait to start planning the next trip!! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Vacation Day 1

We are en route to Outer Banks. So excited! Ava is doing ok, much better today. I had to share some quotes.... Stopping to use the restroom with a very strong cinnamon air freshner. "Mom, it's smells like a candle in here." Walking through the hallway in the hotel after being told to use her inside voice "after all the people wake up, can I talk?" And last but not least.... "Daddy, slow down damn it!!" Stay tuned for more!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I got an early birthday present today from my mom!!! I am SO EXCITED!! Ever since I got her for Mother's Day, I have been extremely jealous.

Thanks to those who paid attention to my (subtle, hhmmm) hints. It's the best gift, Mom! Thanks and I love you!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!

Saturday we had a surprise 80th birthday party for my grandma! She had zero, zilch, NO clue. Whatsoever. Mission accomplished.

She dropped her cane and just stared. It was so funny! She didn't know if she should be mad or to cry for all of the surprise guest appearances. We have family in from Florida and Illinois! The guests had to go to her because she didn't move!! LOL!

Lisa and I (BY OURSELVES) made a batch of Grandma cookies for the party! This was the first time with Grandma around. We had to buy all kinds of stuff because we couldn't borrow it from her!

We presented them to her and held our breath for approval!

And we got a smile!!!

We had lots of fun! It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed the pool and cornhole game.

And yes...that is Uncle Nate!! More on that later. He and Ava have been best friends all weekend. He leaves tomorrow afternoon but before a quick trip to the zoo!!

Happy Birthday Grandma! You are an amazing woman and I love you SO MUCH!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, John!!

Sunday was John's birthday!! We didn't do much but celebrated with food. That's what we do best!! Breakfast at Bob Evan's!

After breakfast we went grocery shopping and then home for a 3 hour family nap...Ahh...:) John and I ended up going to the casino later in the evening for dinner while Ava went to Nana's for a bit. We ate at the buffet and it was ok. I'm not a fan of buffets, so I never get my moneys worth. I'm still laughing that John picked that for his birthday dinner!!

Happy Birthday to the most AMAZING husband, daddy, and best friend a girl could ask for! I love you honey and cannot want to expand our family.

Genoa Homecoming

This past weekend was the Genoa Homecoming! I love the homecoming!! I was so excited for the parade! So was this little girl...
Here is comes!!

Waiting on the candy!!

After the parade we walked up town with Sarah, Jeff, and Emmett. It was FREEZING!! We lasted for about a french fry and a hamburger.

But Ava was sweet enough to share with precious Emmett!!

It was too cold for rides on Friday for rides so I took Ava back up on Saturday. I'm so glad we waited! It was beautiful!!

Oh, forgot this picture. It was taken by a photographer walking the street during the parade. I think it turned out good!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

No wireless

Our wireless isn't working at our house. Therefore this update is coming to you from my phone. I need to suck it up and call. I will tomorrow...we had a fabulous weekend and I can't wait to share it with you.

Varsity Basketball Cheer