A BIG, GIGANTIC THANK YOU to Mike Feather for saving us a minimum of $169.00 for fixing our computer. And for backing everything up so we didn't lose our China pictures. Whew!
Last week was a big roller coaster for Ava. It all started on Sunday on the way home from Chinese New Year. She threw up twice in the car, but seemed to do better into the evening. So I sent her to school. And then I got a call on Monday at 2:00 that she had a fever. Poor girl. Since she couldn't go to school on Tuesday, I worked from home. And she was FINE! Played, ate, and acted like Ava. On Wednesday, she went back to school. And then I got the call at 4:00 that she has a fever!!! ARGH!! So, I called the Dr. and made an appointment for Thursday and worked from home again. She was a little out of it on Thursday morning, but was definitely better later in the day. It seems she just had a viral infection and never got sick again. I still kept her home on Friday just to be safe.
She felt well enough on Thursday night to "help" me with laundry:

After literally being cooped up in the house, she had the worst case of cabin fever. We were eating dinner and John and I were just staring at each other thinking "what are we going to do with her?" It was only 5:30. I called Lisa Feather and she knew what to do! She suggested McDonald's playland. What a great idea!! She even met us over there with her girls which I was thankful for! They are so good with Ava!
Livi and Ava climbing in the tree!

Hanging out with her cousins:

Not a huge fan of the slide:

After they were done playing, they enjoyed their sundaes:

On Saturday we traveled to Strongsville. Our adoption agency hosted a Valentine's party! We got to see a couple of families we traveled to China with, another family we met in a parenting class and still correspond with, and Zhou, our guide in China! It was so great to see everyone!!
Here is Ava and I with Jennifer and Niubei. We met Jennifer and her husband, Shawn in a parenting class last year. We stayed in touch with them and had hoped to travel together. However, since we moved, we were delayed and they traveled in September to pick up Niubei. I was so glad to have finally met her! She is such a little peanut:

This is Chris, our consultant from EAC and Zhou, our guide. We wouldn't be were we are now without these 2 people! Chris listened to me whine, cry, and yell quite a bit during our journey and never made me feel like I was out of line. And Zhou...who can manuever through China without him???? He was AMAZING and loves the kids so much!!

Ava had an absolute blast!!! She is definitely a party girl! She even found a little friend and may have possibly received her first kiss...more on that later!
She hula-hooped:

Loved "hiding" behind the curtain:

We tried to get a good picture of Ava and Zhou. Key word being tried:

Even Niubei couldn't get Ava to take a picture!

Sunday we went to dinner with my mom. Let's just say it was a trying morning and to get out of the house was GREAT!

But it was even better that my mom offered to take Ava for a couple of hours so we could relax. She was excited, we were excited! I think we all needed a break from each other.
My mom took her to my Grandma's house. She got to spend quality time with Gracie and even shared her goldfish with her!

They bonded so well, Ava even kissed her!

Going for a ride with Grandma:

Monday was Valentine's Day!! I was so excited for Ava to have her party at school!! I had her all decked out in her Valentine's outfit and had candy bars made for her class! She had a great time!! We got her a little basket goodies, too!!

Going through her basket! She kept saying "ooohhh!" I think she was happy with the goodies. I got her some of her own jewelry so we will leave mine alone! A couple of rings and bracelets. Maybe now she'll stay away from my diamond!

I think Ava realizes when it is the weekend and Mama and Daddy want to get a little extra sleep. Saturday, she was up at 5:15 and Sunday, she was up at 4. She went back to sleep for about a half hour each morning...:( It made for a very tiring weekend. I'm still trying to get this sleeping thing down. She is literally falling asleep by 8:00. But if we try to keep her up later, it seems like she sleeps worse? She will wake up like 3-4 times during the night. Even during the week she is getting up earlier. I used to have to wake her up, but now, she is waking up between 5:30-6:00.
I thought maybe she was hungry because she eats around 5:30 for dinner. So, we've tried a bedtime snack and that hasn't mattered. Any sleeping suggestions would be helpful! These parents are TIRED!!
Tonight, I went to dinner with Tiffany's parents and her husband. Tiffany is my friend who passed away last month. All of her co-workers at Owens Corning got together and sent pictures and stories to me and we made scrapbooks for them. My friend, Sara and I delivered them tonight. It was a very bittersweet dinner, but they were so appreciative!!
Hope you are having a great week!!