Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Official!!

We have received confirmation of our embassy appointment!! Which means that on October 20th, John and I will be flying to China. But more importantly, it means that on October 25th, after many many months I will FINALLY be able to hold this...
Stay tuned for details!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Nothing like starting a sunny morning with an email that says "TA has been issued"!!!!!!! How am I supposed to focus?! Knowing this dream is now becoming a reality is AMAZING! I cannot believe we are just that much closer to her.

Our agency should physically have the TA within a few days and then we can schedule our embassy appointment!

Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paperwork is COMPLETE!!

We just received word tonight that all of our paperwork is FINALLY complete!! We are just waiting on the TA! They told us it will be about 2-5 weeks to receive and we are already a week in! Keep your fingers crossed that we receive it quickly!

Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


If we hadn't of moved, we wouldn't need an updated homestudy or fire inspection. We wouldn't have waited on other people taking forever with our paperwork.

And we would be leaving on an airplane today to meet our daughter.

But I also know everything happens for a reason. And that reason is Ava will come home to her forever home.

But it still hurts a little...and until then I spend my days staring at this:

Mommy and Daddy are coming...that I can promise you!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer