Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ava's 2nd Birthday!!!

July 21st was Ava's 2nd birthday! Unfortunately, we weren't able to spend it with her, but there was a celebration in China and in the USA!! We ordered her another care package and they sent a cake from a "cake shop" in China. You can see from the pictures that her and her friends have never seen a cake before. But she seems to enjoy it! John and I are truly looking forward to next year and celebrating her birthday and every year to come!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Still Waiting For Ava...

We're still waiting on Ava. We found out yesterday that friends of ours who have been in this process with us have received word and will be going to China in late August. What a BLOW! But, we still know that each day that passes is a day closer to getting her...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Ava' bedroom

We FINALLY are in our new house and FINALLY were able to put together Ava's room! This is something I have been dreaming about for a looong time. It's not 100% (we still need to hang stuff on the walls), but I think it's pretty darned cute!

Ava's Baby Shower

June 5th was Ava's Baby Shower at El Camino. This was probably one of the few baby shower's where the mom to be got to have a margarita! HAHA!! Here are some pics of the big day!

Varsity Basketball Cheer